Am I the only one who thought Amaury was 'beyond pissed' because there's actually staff online? Seriously though, they must've been the 3 most important minutes of your entire couldn't figure out where the show was at after 3 minutes you probably weren't paying that much attention. Why not try to catch up with it online so you don't have to wait?
You put Llave, Vivi and Kitty in the same poll? ...give me a sec...
^This. Amaury, I do kinda get where you're coming from, but doesn't that take the whole purpose of the Spam Zone out? Its okay KS, I found your joke funny! Mind if I repost it on fb? I shall give you credit!
Decided I'm gonna get me some KH stuff ...But idk what to get because everything looks so good So KHV, what KH related stuff (besides games) have you bought online? lolol a KH thread in the Spam Zone wtf is wrong with you Kat.
Nothing beats the goddamn teal! That sh*t was amazing
Torn between 3 and 4, but I picked 4. It sounded really classy, I liked it :)
Welcome Back! This round we have received a whopping 8 entries! That's the highest in Idol history!! Thank you to everybody who participated! :) The theme for this round was Freestyle All entrants must vote You cannot vote for yourself Voting closes in 7 days! Good luck everyone!! :) HERE ARE YOUR ENTRIES!!12345678 Happy Voting! :)
Very pleased to announce we have a whopping 8 entries this time!!! Thanks so much to everyone who participated! Voting thread will be up in approximately 7 hours!! :)
Okay my lines should've sent now! My email is being a little annoying...
Staff and their magical powers have turned the world upside down... Edit: bahahahaha my avvy looks ******ed
cnc pls :)
Oh sorry! I sent it to the email :)
Finished my lines! Sending them soon, I only had time to do the basic melody, no harmonies :(
Holy crap GS your smexiness ;) It appears I have been locked out of home again, currently waiting for mother to finish her shopping so she can let me in...I should really work on getting some sort of key... Spoiler View attachment 35732
But the ice cream melts
I know right! because everyone has already said it for you You're a little late to the party, Kitty, but at least you're here! :)
None that I can see...except The Call...I remember that being done before
Yay its back! May I take Swing Life Away?
B-but that's just mean...