Good to know!
Well thanks to all those who can/want to participate!!! Tonight I'll send you guys a doc with more specific instructions-any questions, feel free to PM me! :)
Participation-1 Win-10 2nd-8 3rd-6 Duets and groups get more points too, but I forget. Also you get a participation point each time, so if you came third, ypu would get 6+1=7 And I just realised I havent put you in the ladder...I'll go fix that now! Either is fine Yep thats fine! I may forget though, so remind me lol
Both if you would actually be perfect then
Well see that's another angle I could could still join if you wanted :)
Well that could be really interesting anyway if you wanted to join in
Its not often I agree with Amaury but in this case I think he's absolutely right. There is nothing wrong with spending time with her even if she has a bf. If he gets jealous, that's his problem but that just means he's not trusting L (but thats not your problem and you shouldn't intervene in their relationship). I'm gonna tell you something: when I had a bf, a lot of my guy friends just stopped talking to me. Considering the majority of my friends are guys, I found this quite annoying. The guy friends that stayed even when I had a bf are still my friends today. What I'm saying is don't worry about spending time with L, because chances are she's worried about losing her guy friends because she has a bf. As long as you don't over act, you should be fine :)
Guys, I need some help. For my media studies assignment, I need to research someone's television usage and then write about it. We can't research ourselves, its kinda pointless. We need a different demographic. So basically what I need is someone who is not an 18 year old girl, and who watches a fair bit of TV Imma send you a template, and you have to fill it out over the week every time you watch a TV show/movie. Send it back whenever you like so I can start writing the assignment :) Also, the template I send will provide specific instructions on what I need. Is anyone not too busy to do this for me? Its not a challenging or time consuming task (besides you can probably fluff the majority of it)-I just need someone who is willing to do it to complete it. I'll get a few people to do it in case some people forget to send it to me lol. Pleeeeeaaaseeee?????? :) :)
This is not acceptable at all. SPAM PEOPLE!! SPAM LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!!!!!
No problem! Just make sure you email me your lines a little early so I can mix them before the deadline :)
Ladder Updated!!! :) 1. Amethyst (42 points) 2. PaW (40 points) 3. darkhorseD (31 points) 4. Mish (29 points) 5. Calxyin (23 points) 6. Janson (20 points) 7. HoT (16 points) 8. Odamadillo (14 points) 9. Heart (9 points) 9. Tummer (9 points) 9. Dinny (9 points) 10. Zelda (7 points) 10. Fearless (7 points) 11. Flowergothic (2 points) 12. Moshi (1 point) Of course not! Idol is open to everyone at all times
Voting is now closed! 1st place, with 4 votes, goes to Entry #7! Congratulations Amethyst! Equal 2nd place, with 2 votes each, goes to Entries 5 and 6! Congrats Mish and Dinny! Equal 3rd place, with 1 vote each, goes to Entries 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8. Congrats calxiyn, darkhorseD, PaW, Fearless and HoT! Yay! everyone won a prize this round! Be sure to tune in next time for more Idol greatness! :)
So...I don't wanna alarm anyone or anything, but you've got just over a week to get these things to me and I haven't received any entries yet...
Noooo! That means I'll be at work when it airs!!
If the 'things' you were implying has anything to do with that got my attention
Kangaroo, Emu and Koala CRIKEY! TALK ABOUT YOUR SURPRISES! But if we're going by heritage, I got a dolphin and a phoenix. Hell yeah.
NEW GUIDELINES!!!!! Theme for KHV Idol #8- TV ShowsRules: Can be any song featured in a TV show. It doesn't have to be the theme, it just has to be in the show somewhere. When entering, YOU MUST say which show your song comes from. I don't want it to end up a freestyle theme with people saying its from some Top 40 Music show or something, because that doesn't count. You can do almost anything with this, so get creative! I'm giving you as much flexibility as I can without saying freestyle. If you all send me the Pokemon theme or Dragonball Z or some over-done anime I swear to God I will kill you. Deadline: April 17th
OMG I LOVE THAT PINK STUFF THAT IS TOTALLY AWESOME!!!! :D Kites: making bathroom shots look good. Well done! Soooo...a few weeks ago I stole this giant teddy bear from my sister's room (she didn't mind, it was a present from her ex) so the thing's been living in my room: Spoiler View attachment 35782 View attachment 35783 ...I have issues, don't I?
Screw Texas! ever heard of Australian cockroaches?
hmmm...I actually have no clue what I'd be...