which starter are u getting? i usually get fire and water starters but this time i might get the grass starter. also what are the evolutions gonna look like?
really good pics, now make it into a pokemon reference and it will be awesome
you somehow make khv a bit fun so im gonna miss u a bit so take care
welcome back you miss nothing at all.
No.712 master08996 Horse Pokemon ICE HT 15′06″ WT 569.3 lbs. It breathes -20 degree air that will instantly freeze an Indian elephant. It eats 1 kilograms of fish Pokemon a day.
I keep listening to some anime op but i don't know what the songs called and who made them. should i make music posts on them?
beat the elite four 1,000 times using an lucky egg.
ban pokemon and replace the website with digimon.
why don't they just make another kirby epic yarn but it looks like a game i would want to play.
welcome to the site where pokemon is popular than digimon. i am your master and i say follow the rules and post whatever you feel like posting
welcome to the site where oda can do poems(like a girl (jk)) very good. i am your master and i say follow the rules and post whatever you feel like posting.
more like somebody trying to cosplay that creepy misty toy
welcome to the site where... A) you can be my girlfriend B) you have no life C) you want mess with people D) all of the above i am your master and i say follow the rules and post whatever you feel like posting
avatar: 7/10 sig: 6/10- whats he running from?
i still don't have 500 post counts. and i know what you are gonna say but if people stop making spam zone posts then i would of at least have 200 post counts
try going to burger king they will give you reasons to not go to mcdonald
pokemon is a game... that make pokemon die
so you take pictures with a blind girl who might know you was taking pictures of her. what is wrong with you?
if only i haven't lost my game undefined