man i can't wait to turn 21 to try these drinks
that was a joke like i still don't much about her but still i would call her just in case if im bored
she seems like a nice girl i'll probably call her sometimes
where does she live?
and young how old is she?
she looks kinda cute?
can u call him steve or her maria
avatar: 7/10 sig: 8/10
i just wanted to hang out with someone i love and i like a new challenge
i really need one i wouldn't post these unless im really desperate, which i am, i keep seeing kisses left through right and i never kiss a girl. i know what u thinking but i need to let it out and i know you wouldn't tell on your friends right?
i used to collect yu-gi-oh and pokemon cards but i really got tired of it. i went back to it last year but i grew tired of it again.
u better get those good grades anyway see u later
me and her broke up plus she is banned.
welcome to the site where things are things and pokemon rap with bill cosby. i am your master and i say follow the rules and post whatever you feel like posting.
c u later i will always miss your... u help us with... u were a very great... anyway bye
how u doing
it's call battle of the gods and it say to come to toonami at march 30...
i would want to be a leprechaun to be the luckiest man in the world i'll be rich, get all the ladies, and i won't be clumsy just like i am right now.