tomorrow will be the end of the 3rd quarter and i will need to give it my all if i want better grades in the final quarter. so i will log out of this site for a couple of months and all other sites if i might have to(but i will not stop playing video games, just to let u know). so i will see you guys till i am done with highschool, and if you will miss me then post whatever u want to say about me Goodbye:)
it started a year ago after the battle with jean where wolverin(if that how u spell) might have a chance to lose his power? why do they keep making xmen movies? i know they're famous but why so many?
banned for having a conversation without me
then go clean up your room! jk(maybe)
and let me tell you pokemon mystery dungeon on the 3ds was pretty cool. so who wants spoilers?
why is everything upside down
my laptop is working again i just clear my whole memory because my files were corrupted and now its working so problem and thanks for trying 2 help me.
welcome to the site where i rule all. i am your master and i say follow the rules and post whatever you feel like posting.
bye bye now(and by the way we all been in hell a long time ago)
every time i turn on the computer nothing shows, it only shows the black screen. i tried turning it on the next day and nothing still shows.
my laptop is completely not working. at first my laptop was slow, then it took a long time for it to turn on, and now it just stop working. what should i do?
dark red i always wanted dat color on my hair (after graduation)
welcome to the site where we do funny memes Spoiler: Open i am your master and i say follow the rules and post whatever you feel like posting.
can't wait to get the new PMD game
i am starting to get over the last girl i liked and now i like another girl. she's like the other one but she's asian and have a cute voice. the problem is i am really shy to talk to her. what should i do to make her notice me? and what should i do to make her like me back?
the new god of war game have multiplayers and if not that maybe COD black ops 2.
chapter 2 is good but y did Totodile have tackle when he suppose to have scratch?
welcome to the where i still need a girlfriend:(. i am your master and i say follow the rules and post whatever you feel like posting.
welcome to the site where i am a pokemon. i am your master and i say follow the rules and post whatever you feel like posting(chespin!)