there might be new heartless and stuff like that but it might not be any new creature type; and since xehanort is being put in the game(just a theory) then unversed would be in kh3
forgotten - linkin park
update: badges: pokemon: HM slaves: shuppet is very hard to train because she doesnt have any cool moves n she keeps dying a lot
i would love this game if it had monster inc in it
welcome back, we havent met i am miguel n i am your master
i just start back playing it a few years ago. did anyone liked this game; its like pokemon and ff.
i havent played FF myself; r there some 4 the ps, i might might play it on my emulator
i looked at the trailer of KH3 and sora still look the same to me how old does that make kairi?
i got a 2 year old sister that already learns how to curse; she always be saying "shut the f**k up" at my brothers. why is this world so cruel
a anime convention is going to start at july 5 and ends at the 7th; and its closer to my location, so i might go to my first anime con in not a far distance :) here's the link:
i think that chair is gonna explode soon n many people will sue
i made my first gif and i finally put on my signature :D
my xbox broke so im ****
i am so gonna get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i love the theme for megamen); but which game system should i get it from?
whoever is a yuri fan and didnt read this manga i recommend u read it right now
here is an update... badges: pokemon: HM slaves: location: petalburg city i need to get more ghost pokemon -_-
here is some update... badge: pokemon: HM slave: location: dewford town i think i should get another sableye but ill worry about it later
welcome back to my land of happiness
Name: Miguel Self Proclaimed Title: The deadly soul Username: master08996 Type Chosen: ghost sprite pic: Starter: mudkip HM Slave: zigzagoone Game Cartridge: pokemon emerald Roster: mudkip Location: just started
1.) im back n i miss u guys 2.) im done with school 3.) 10 days before my graduation im excited ^^