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  1. Pistol Schoolboy

    I'm sorry, all I see is an error. Something wrong with the code? Deleted?

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 17, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Pistol Schoolboy
    Oh my, reverse psychology. oAo

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Pistol Schoolboy

    @ Sabby: Thank you, my girlie asian geek. I do anything to please you, my semi-master. :3

    @ Alex: Hot damn, Alex. You look awesome with the back of your hair spiked.
    :3 And you handwriting is bomb.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 17, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  4. Pistol Schoolboy

    First link in my sig.

    And I personally think to have one of these journals is good. Seeing how you can express your thoughts and blow off some steam on them.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Pistol Schoolboy

    You are now officially a Twicaine addict.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Pistol Schoolboy

    The Church of Hot Addiction // Cobra Starship.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Pistol Schoolboy
    Thank you, Tootz. ;3

    (Squishy huggy lovey.) And I love you hair as well. Matches so great with your glasses.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  8. Pistol Schoolboy
    Wow, I left you awestruck? That's amazing, really.

    But anyways, thanks. That really made me happy that this song was successful.
    Even if I only have some critique so far.
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Archives
  9. Pistol Schoolboy

    As I've said on MSN a few days ago, this is by far one of your most breath taking examples of Photoshop work. I am sure Tootsie is amazed by your talent you got there.

    Now, I'm not much of a Photoshop geek, so I can't really point out anything much wrong with this. I guess you could say I've technically fallen in love with it. x3 It is really that great, you did an amazing job for this one. And I give you the best of my short critique for this one.

    Keep up the good work ! <33​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Pistol Schoolboy

    Fred on CNN? The world has become shattered.

    Oh my god, these reporters are dumbasses. He's not talking fast, he's altering his voice with editing.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Pistol Schoolboy


    The Iron Maiden is much more bloody. Entertaining to watch. :'D​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Pistol Schoolboy
    Oh god, really? Thank you so much, Mimi. <33

    I'm glad that you think that way about me.
    Seeing how, obviously, you are adorable yourself. c:
    Indeed, indeed.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  13. Pistol Schoolboy
    Actually, I do have a girlfriend. xD Ashwa, or Ashley, if you want to call her by her real name.

    But anyways, thanks a lot.
    Really appreciate your compliments, honestly.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 16, 2008 in forum: Discussion