I'm sorry, all I see is an error. Something wrong with the code? Deleted?
Oh my, reverse psychology. oAo
@ Sabby: Thank you, my girlie asian geek. I do anything to please you, my semi-master. :3 @ Alex: Hot damn, Alex. You look awesome with the back of your hair spiked. :3 And you handwriting is bomb.
First link in my sig. And I personally think to have one of these journals is good. Seeing how you can express your thoughts and blow off some steam on them.
You are now officially a Twicaine addict.
The Church of Hot Addiction // Cobra Starship.
Thank you, Tootz. ;3 (Squishy huggy lovey.) And I love you hair as well. Matches so great with your glasses.
Wow, I left you awestruck? That's amazing, really. But anyways, thanks. That really made me happy that this song was successful. Even if I only have some critique so far.
As I've said on MSN a few days ago, this is by far one of your most breath taking examples of Photoshop work. I am sure Tootsie is amazed by your talent you got there. Now, I'm not much of a Photoshop geek, so I can't really point out anything much wrong with this. I guess you could say I've technically fallen in love with it. x3 It is really that great, you did an amazing job for this one. And I give you the best of my short critique for this one. Keep up the good work ! <33
Fred on CNN? The world has become shattered. Oh my god, these reporters are dumbasses. He's not talking fast, he's altering his voice with editing.
The Iron Maiden is much more bloody. Entertaining to watch. :'D
Oh god, really? Thank you so much, Mimi. <33 I'm glad that you think that way about me. Seeing how, obviously, you are adorable yourself. c: Indeed, indeed.
Actually, I do have a girlfriend. xD Ashwa, or Ashley, if you want to call her by her real name. But anyways, thanks a lot. Really appreciate your compliments, honestly.