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  1. Pistol Schoolboy


    Haha, wow. Aren't you mature?

    Listen, Alex, I'd hate to say this over the forums, seeing how people love you, but you are a terrible liar and a hypocrite.You say you hate stereotypes, which I have seen you say, and yet you call me a whore because I live in Las Vegas.

    Real messed up, dude.

    And for the love of God don't say this is a joke.
    You aren't fooling anybody.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Pistol Schoolboy


    Hehe. :3

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Pistol Schoolboy



    Mr. Seductive and Ms. Lovely huggle? :3​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Pistol Schoolboy


    But the first Mr, Mr. Seductive, is right here.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Pistol Schoolboy
    I second that.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 5, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  6. Pistol Schoolboy

    Best Concert?

    Thank you Kairi2011 for inspiring this topic.

    Basically, the title of this subject is self-explanitory, what was your favorite concert?

    And what concert would you like to see?


    Probably, Arsonists Get All The Girls in Pheonix, Arizona when I was visiting my grandfather to see how he was doing. They were just bizzare, but amazing, as always. Who doesn't love this frickin' band? When they played Scobra vs. Cupcake, I felt so much like actually going into a mosh pit.

    That's how much I loved it.

    And you don't know how much I'd love to see Silverstein. OH I FORGOT, THEY ARE COMING WITH THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA. HOLY!​
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 5, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: Music
  7. Pistol Schoolboy

    Seems like you had fun. If only he would at the least cosplay as *COUGHCOUGH*. Seriously.

    But anyways, glad you had fun. And I bet you felt like passing out by just a stare?​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Pistol Schoolboy

    That is one delicious screenplay. :D

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 4, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Pistol Schoolboy


    Horray ! I finally got my iTunes to load up ! :3

    God, why does my playlist always shoot my towards Shugo Chara music?

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 4, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Pistol Schoolboy

    Okay, first off, I don't even know what KHVR is.

    And second, this is sort of like an idea I've had for a few years now. It's almost like a story that I made, but never released about a previous website I was on.

    Sorry if this seems like a ripoff, I'm simply making a story.

    And plus, might I add that nearly all other books are ripoffs of another?
    Including your ever so loved Twilight. :/

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 3, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Pistol Schoolboy
    Thanks. And it's edited now, so yeah.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 3, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Pistol Schoolboy

    Well, I got bored with GIMP. That's all I can say.


    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 3, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Pistol Schoolboy
    Hello, the name's Skyler.

    I write a bit too much, and have plentiful ideas for a lot of stories. However, I slack off by writing poetry. It turned from a hobby to a bad habit. :/

    Hope you all like my stories and poetry ! <3
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 3, 2008 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  14. Pistol Schoolboy
    Welcome to the social group for those wanting to see the new story I am making called Kayleah: A Biography of Angelical. Want to see the story or are becoming a fan? Join this social group and state your opinions on the idea, story, etc. with other fans or expectators.

    Thank you, and have a great time here !
    Expect the first chapter on September 6, 2008 !
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 3, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  15. Pistol Schoolboy

    "Maps" by Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

    Best song EVAR.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 3, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Pistol Schoolboy

    Your tomcat is sure going to miss you, Kiki.

    Good luck in college and I have no doubt you'll do fantastic in college. Just don't let the schooling get to you. It's how college is, I guess.
    Yet still, try not to burn down the building.

    Or Tomcat will come and send my squeaky toys on you.

    But anyways, love you forever. And please have a great time at college.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 3, 2008 in forum: Departure Hall
  17. Pistol Schoolboy

    Wow, having trouble lately? Now then, I do love you for being so damn mean, but as someone already said, don't you think if you hated us so much, it would be appropiate to just leave without a word.

    I shouldn't have to say anymore on that subject.

    Anyways, I'm sure a lot of people will miss you, and I have no doubt you will come back. No matter how much you deny it.

    Maybe it might be true you leave, but someday it may be possible you'll come back to check up on us or something. I'm sorry you have to leave though, and I sure will be one of those people who will miss you.

    Love you, Asian Master. <33

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 3, 2008 in forum: Departure Hall
  18. Pistol Schoolboy


    Goddamn, only five.

    I think it was the third one that I missed. xD

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 3, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Pistol Schoolboy

    I meant Ashley, numnuts.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Pistol Schoolboy
    You apparently didn't read the storyline.

    It's not the whole frickin' past of Kayleah and shiz, it's a story of the aftermath of a gigantic tribulation that revolved around her. And this his her story afterwards.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone