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  1. Pistol Schoolboy

    And I, am still a Lullaby of Caiden. :3​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Pistol Schoolboy
    You don't know how much I've tried that. xD

    Like, for one time, I tried replacing sh*t with "Winchester".

    But now, it's become to much of a habit just to say the original word. x3​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Pistol Schoolboy
    I have a feeling we're going to get along.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Pistol Schoolboy

    Ugh, this took so long to make, and I'm so glad the first chapter is over. Basically, this is a story I wrote during a boring Algebra I Honors class. I am so glad right now, but so tired.

    And I'm sorry it's confusing. It's meant to be like that. I'll explain in the remaining four chapters.

    Amnesia Does Exist
    001: Precognition Through Appearance

    Body numb, and visual sight being distorted at the moment, I feel weak. As if my day couldn't get any ******. My eyes adjust to the dark foresight, all I can see is faint light from the dying bulbs within hanging lights. But through that frustrating light, I see scars of bright white upon the metal walls. It showed for its past of torturous psychosis.

    Looking in front of myself with eyes of no expression, I hear absolutely nothing but snoring and whispering. More people existed through these seemingly barren hallways. One of them so happen to be sitting in the cell across from mine. The teenager turned to me with awakened eyes to only be staring into my eyes, and then back down to my straight jacket.

    These straight jackets. So constricting, it agitates. This odd feeling of wanting to slice through the sleeves with my arms, is becoming abundant. But ignoring my emotion at the moment, the person across from my cell, began to speak towards me. Hopefully, the conversation would be as ******ed as the guards.

    "So, you're Data 0136. Am I right?"
    "Data 0136? What the hell are you talking about?"
    "Don't tell me they injected you ..."

    My yell echoed through the hallways which altered that snoring into shock, and the whispering became copious with the rest of the voices. The whispering calmed me for some reason. But then again, so did the loud hum of the built in fan that so happened to be blowing my long, red hair softly. Calm and expected for a conversation, I looked back at the teenager with my light green, tired eyes.

    "Mind telling me where I am?"

    You could tell the person didn't want to have to repeat himself. But as he took a sigh, the unknown presence began to talk.

    "It's a long story."
    "I'm not going anywhere. I've got time."
    "Good point."

    Here came the silence once again. Already, I began to feel friendly to this person across from my cell.

    "You are in a prison, as you can see. But it's not very ordinary, as you can tell by your fan. I'm guessing they injected you with some sort of Amine. Which, is basically amnesia inducing interjectional material. If not that, you must have hit your head pretty damn hard when the guards threw you in."
    "You still haven't answered my question. It's obvious we are in a prison, but what prison."

    Sighing, the boy leaned up against a wall to then continue the conversation with relaxation. "Tokyo. A prison classified for only those who possess abnormal, metaphysical powers and abilities. In other words, a place to lock up those who the old folk hate because we accidentally stepped on their lawn. Little did they know they were probably talking to one of us supernaturally enhanced people."

    The story seemed confusing, and cliche, at first glance. But soon turned into something more believable. I mean, I have a clean police record. How possibly could I be thrown in jail? And with a straight jacket, at that. "Now then, what is Data 0136?"

    "It's you, obviously."
    "No shit."
    "It's a codename to keep people from freaking out."
    "Because they might know who they really are?"
    "Pretty much. You see, riots in this prison begin when some schizophrenic dumb ass gets under so much pressure, that they go completely mad. Just goes to show how mad this place can get."
    "You told me about injections. Experimental procedures, I'm guessing?"
    "Bingo. This place is strict with that stuff, just letting you know."

    Sure as hell, I could tell that. If you think about it, it's sort of just like a futuristic concentration camp that doesn't drive you mad. Already ten minutes awake, and I find myself tired, bored, and hungry. Time unknown, I could only draw the conclusion that it was night time by the low illumination through the square windows.

    But what had me puzzled was, what the hell was this guy's name?

    "If you are wondering, my name is Kazu." Kazu was reading my mind. Perhaps he had some sort of mind reading abilities. Of course, it was obvious. Or maybe this person just really knows how to start a good conversation. I could never tell the difference.

    "How about your name, Mystery Data?" Now it was Mystery Data. Why the nicknames?
    "... Ashida."
    "Ashida? That's rather creative. Nice to meet you, Ashida."
    "Likewise, Kazu."

    Not for an explanation. Preparing to ask a question, I braced myself for the story Kazu was certainly ready to tell. But, as I asked a question, it was shocking how Kazu could be asleep. Sitting alone in that open, metal cubicle. I could feel the fresh air, and the nice cold vibe, unbelievably. Why is it so comfortable? My guess was they were afraid of us. Make us feel calm to prevent our madness. Sounds reasonable.

    Now, who am I? Why am I here? It's sad how I only can answer the first question. Ashida Burea. Being nineteen and would be considered not so usual, all I can remember now of myself is that I am in a band. The name that was faded both literally, and figuratively within my mind, came back to me steadily. But I never thought through it. I had more concerning matters, as rude as it sounds.

    Who am I? Really. This all seems like something from a cliche mystery book. The only unfortunate part, is that science fiction would be fitting within the same combination. Heh, more like non-fiction. Living through something that was just context and dreams, I fell asleep as I eased my mind away from the crowding thoughts. And to only find myself dreaming ... of a girl.
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 13, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. Pistol Schoolboy

    Ohhhh boy.

    Two Rockstars, three friends over, some Norma Jean, Slipknot, and Underoath, and then some skating with some terrible singing by moi on Rock Band later, I find myself beat.

    I don't think I've ever been this tired, yet hyper before. Damn ... xD

    Anywho, how are you all?​
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 13, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Pistol Schoolboy

    Agreed. <3

    She's got a wonderful accent, and basically, I haven't seen anything like it on this website. People usually don't have that much time to type that out, and it's amazing.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Pistol Schoolboy

    Have you ever noticed that for each accent / language, that they have their own little words?
    Even for the ones that seem like they don't?

    Now, this is bluntly obvious, but still, I keep thinking about it more than often now-a-days.
    Like, for instance, you realize that for England, you occasionally hear words like "bloody" or "cracking". Or maybe for a bigger example would be Scotland. They always paraphrase their sentences through not speaking with "g" a majority of the time. And you just got to love it when they say "wee". So adorable. <33

    Yes, Kitty, I'm talking about you. <3

    Anyways, here's a quick question: what do you say that relates to what I just talked about? Do you have a habit of saying certain words?​
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 13, 2008, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Pistol Schoolboy

    - Stereotypes. Enough said.

    - The movie, Hatchet. Such a f**ked up movie.

    - Headaches ... that are caused by schizophrenia or paranoia.

    - Girls who are so stuck up and narcisstic who try to rub pretty much anything in our face.

    - Anybody who thinks they are all chips and s**t.

    - Annoying Twilight fans.

    - Feeling bad.

    - Plain White T's.

    I'll edit later with more when I can remember.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 11, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Pistol Schoolboy

    And sorry for over reacting back there. :/
    I just wanted to point it out, that's all.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Pistol Schoolboy
    Dude, it may be a forum award, but pay attention to the fact that winning an award under "Best Normal Member" sets off an impression on what people truly think of someone.

    Therefore, I'm happy to see that I can live to my potential as being a person true to everyone. Now, I'm not the most perfect person in the world (probably because Repliku is), but still, it made me happy seeing that.

    'Nuff said.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Pistol Schoolboy


    Oh my, yeah. You're not the only one.

    xD Last night + medicine = whoaaaaa.
    Lawl, joking, of course. Not a drugie.
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Pistol Schoolboy

    My Thanks ~

    Wow, I won Best Normal Member?
    You don't know how happy this makes me. I really appreciate this award, and I'm gladpeople such of me, honestly. And congratulations to the runner-up, RRMS, and all other nominees for being so awesome during the awards.

    I can't believe how happy I am for this. And you guys here on KHV are surely so awesome. I'm glad to be on such a website with all of you. <3

    And for everyone else who won and competed in the awards, congrats onyour wins and nominations. It was a fun time, really.

    Again, thank you all. Love you all. <33​
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 10, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Pistol Schoolboy

    That wasn't so bad, actually. :/​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Pistol Schoolboy

    Personally, best band ever, in my opinion.

    And just wait until you see them live, it's incredible.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 8, 2008 in forum: Music
  15. Pistol Schoolboy
  16. Pistol Schoolboy
    Thank you.

    And since this is quick editing and improv with both acting and ideas, this was pretty decent for a video, I admit.

    But anyways, thanks for your opinion. <3​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 7, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Pistol Schoolboy

    Britt Pills

    Yes, I'm talkin' about Kingdom945.

    Well, I thought would make a video for Britt after a MSN conversation. And this is the idea I had for the second Skyler Quickie. But this is seriously a present that turned out to be what it was.

    And yes, these are actually improv videos.

    So, I hope you all enjoy it. And after an hour of filming, this was really stressing to make.

    And CnC would be gladly appreciated. Thank you. <33

    Here you go. :3
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 6, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Pistol Schoolboy

    s p e c t r u m

    Mystifying blade held in this girl's hand.
    She cries rainbows,
    And shines techinicolor through a broken realm.
    The glass breaks even before the violet killed the red.
    Colorblind and tragedy,
    The vodka's never smelt so seducing before.

    Gorgeous, but eerie.
    Lovely, but suicidal.
    Holding, but killing an ego at the same time.
    Would it be bad that I'm attracted?
    I'm stressing with these images.
    Can't seem to make a frame without the blood.

    Sorry that I wasn't there to fill your glass.
    I was busy attempting to revive my person.
    Bowing on one knee,
    Somehow, voices are saying to me that I wed you.
    I'm trying to face you without sexuality.
    Marry me,
    And we can die drunken together.​
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 6, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  19. Pistol Schoolboy


    Might want to consider unblocking me or possibly getting online.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Pistol Schoolboy


    Dude, it's called paranoia.

    Gets to the better of you, dude. Apparently, I don't really need to know what goes on in your head. Seeing how there might be no emotional track left.

    I realize you've been through emotional pain, but when you hear something like what you just said involving whoring, wouldn't you be at the least pissed? Come on, grow some balls and understand that from what I heard, whether it be a joke or not, I will still get slightly mad. :/

    And it involved my girlfriend, so that added to the aggravation.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone