Im fine,well anyway whats wrong?
Hello,how are you jaden?
kay bye adam
it a huge lol
it is the magic of the happy noodle boy!:=D: *inserts holy music*
yay cuz its awesome,but what do u think of happy noodle boy?
Yeah i had trouble reading it too, that reminds me u know what happy noodle boy is?
it does,when i first found out about it i wasnt really sure what it was about lol
i dont really know if they are,if they do then,maybe they'll make a new main character with sora and rest grown up
sweet,i already read all of them but anyway do think its funny?
cool,so what you think of johnny the homicidal maniac so far ?
i'm excited for dream drop distance,anything new with you adam?
how are you?
Thats weird....... View attachment 32778 View attachment 32779
okayyyy then...
why do post pictures of pregnet men?
Okayyyy then
Wow this is like a mini spam zone,now who wants to explode garbage 4 no reason