I'm stuck on Prankster's paradise,it takes me a while to figure out which way i'm supposed to go in the game.
Hello there
I guess but happy noodle boy is also funny
so have you played kh 3d?
crazy,suicidal and homicidal,But mostly homicidal.
It's funny, not cuz the killing how the character acts.
okay then.
Some named guy Johnny who kills people who insult him or uses their blood to paint these wall in his house.Then in another comic he dies and some...
Johnny the homicidal maniac
listening to music,reading JTHM online,nothing really interesting.
i don't have one..
Hey what's up?
Fine,so what are you up to?
What i mean by that i don't like the show that's why i posted that, so it sucks for me.
Fred doesn't suck , Fred the show sucks
It's okay.
I think him being on youtube was better,the show just is't funny for me
Okay i will
Fred was better on youtube and annoying orange was never funny and never will be on cartoon network.Who else agrees?