Id love to show it to you X)
Zexion: You know, Axel, I used to respect you. Then you went insane and convinced that stupid riku puppet to kill me and now you're threatening to burn me like you did to all those orphans! Luxord: Yeah axel, have a heart. Oh wait, hehe.
Yeah. I'm not trying to brag but I'm really good. I get compliments from everyone in my class and the next. I'll put pictures up of some of my...
Zexion: just cuz you have power over fire doesn't mean you get to burn everything and everyone.
Have you ever worked with clay?
Luxord: cool. Zexion: why are you a time lord, or whatever?
Luxord: how'd u figure that out?
Luxord: really? So am I. And I'm brittish.
Luxord: not quite.
Luxord: oh axel, always in your own little world.
Zexion: * death stare * I'm going to kill you!!!! Luxord: dun dun duuuuun...
Yaaaaay! Do you do other types of art or is it just drawing?
Idk. Lets just say they are equally as good, kay?
Zexion: ima read k? luxord: you do that.
They are awsome! Keep drawing! It took me years to draw like that and still it takes me hours. I'm kind of a perfectionist. But only with drawings...
Zexion: shut up vexen! luxord: that's axel. zexion: oops...
You should do that. I just checked out your album. You're great! I would love to se more!
I think they are. Do you have any drawings that you're really proud of?
Luxord: I like it. Zexion: what? Luxord: are you high?