First for what? ? =^o.O^=
And fat lol kitty -> =^•.•^=
She was lying down on my chest for a long while.....
I'm simba =^-.-^=
Good :) I just got done watching the dark knight and when I came upstairs I was greeted by my cat who tried to sufficate me :p
Luxord: Ello larxene. Fancy meeting you here
Hello. Fancy talking to you again :)
Then I just have one question for you..... Do you like it when you face stings and your mouth tastes of blood?
Squirrel tastes nice >:3
You're right!! I'm planning on going to your house right now and eating you!!! Rawr!!!!
Luxord: hows come everyone is using my power now? Oh, and marluxia, that's not what larxene said last night. Zexion: eeeeeeeeeewwwww!!!
Lol :) I promise not to eat you.
I'm a cute kitty =^•.•^=
Luxord: have fun with that. *sits back, grabs a coke, and texts his girl larxene.*
luxord: I- I have a phone?
the wipeout theme song lol I love that song!!!!!
luxord: i dont see what the big deal is..... zexion: thats because you have no yoai fans. luxord: :embarrass:
Zexion: *shutter* ...................
Eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Puppiiiiiiiiee!!!!
Zexion: oh crap. The last time I ran into those girls I had to- oh nevermind..... Luxord: dun dun duuuun.....