You should join your lord, the only master you need: Lord Tyrant Valvatorez!
Hi, do you remember me? Because you sure didn't mention me at the conference, you could have shown me instead of that tech demo, you could have mentioned me along with your Kingdom Hearts III nod, you could have just said I was being put to sleep and will be woken up at the right time. No? You didn't want to? Why don't you love me anymore Square? I look so promising, the FF franchise has gone to the shitter ever since after X, I could have revived it, I could have made a difference. No I can't do it anymore because you don't love me anymore. Why don't you love me Papa Square? Why?
>Not showing the system >Killzone rehash >Infamous FREEDOM EDITION >Bungie guys not knowing whats going on except for speaker >Rumors of no used games >Social network **** >Motion control gimmick >No FFvXIII >No Last Guardian >Square showing off the EXACT SAME TRAILER THEY SHOWED AT E3 LAST YEAR >Oh boy Blizzard! >Diablo III on PS3 and Only good things I've seen was Watch Dogs, a nod at Kingdom Hearts III and Destiny looks pretty cool. Now before anyone starts arguing with this post let me leave off with this, this is truly how I feel about the conference go ahead and point out all of my flaws but that won't change how I think, I think Sony made a bad move, every company makes a bad move once in a while. I was disappointed and will not be getting a PS4 until it gets games I'm interested in or if Kingdom Hearts III is actually confirmed and is an exclusive (which it most likely will be), this is how I was with PS3. And yes I have learned my lesson about being hyped for something I shouldn't be that hyped for (see my last threads where I freak out about the conference's date).
Excited, I liked the Zelda timeline but than I remembered Geoff Keighley: Just imagine that, Kingdom Hearts III comes out, Geoff's back with a bunch of Moutain Dew and Doritos with Kingdom Hearts III stamped on it, reminding you that if you buy their stuff you get cool stuff like clothes for Sora, Keyblades and extra missions! Anyway besides that I'm interested to see what they pull off with this, though you guys are right that Keyblade looks like baby's first project in Motion.
SMT Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2 for .99? YES PLEASE
This Harlem Shake fad is dying fast. Soon it will be another Gangnam Style.
Recently I've been in contact with my closest friend from High School, we love each other to death, as friends of course. We're like brother and sister, we'd do anything for eachother hell I've already arranged for her to be a godmother in the future. But something odd has happened, we're going to the anime convention we've been going to since Sophmore year of High School (this is the 7th year!) lately she's been running into some drama with money and collage AND her job. I won't go into detail but lets just say that she quit her job because she got into an argument with her parents, she's not the richest person in the world so she doesn't have much behind her to pay for school and her own place, I've already arranged for her to come live with me and my girlfriend (my girlfriend is not a freakout about her, my closest friend is a lesbian so there's no "I'm not letting her in because than you're going to cheat on me!"). I've talked to her, been with her, hugged her telling her its going to be alright. I keep mentioning that "March is coming up! We'll be at the convention and we'll have such a great time! Like we always do!" she calls me one day saying she's not going, I call bullshit on this, just a couple of weeks ago she was going on and on on what we were going to do and who we were going to see and what cosplay she was going to make, than all of this stuff happens and now she says she's not going, I know this convention will make her happy, I know what will make her happy, I just want to cheer her up so bad, if anything bad happens to her I go crazy and demand to know who is responsible for this. Is there any way I can convince her to go? Will she forget about this and just go with me for tradition?
They need to add Elfin Lied to Toonami, I think it would be perfect on there.
With a cameo by Xemnas
Banned for not playing Disgaea 4
Banned for hating sardines. Fenrich! You know what to do!
Why exactly are these trailers so awesome? I wish this was a game more than a movie.
Warm Bodies Tera Kill me
Banned for not giving me sardines
I'm very sorry for your loss, mine passed away last year due to cancer. I was very close to him, I got my personality from him he was one of the smartest people I've ever met. We've had threads about people in school attacks in the spam zone. I think she has the right to post here also.
You're not just pretty, you're Kawaii Desu.
Too long didn't read.
Its a good fan project, that's why I enjoyed it.