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  1. Tyrant Valvatorez
    I-I-I-I wish to be the luckiest person in the world!
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Tyrant Valvatorez
    reenigaV a otni em gninrut rof dennaB
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 21, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  3. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Oh ok, thank you, sorry (I usually go on the spam zone for some odd reason)
    Anyway yes I am serious, I think a Dangan Ronpa RP would be a good idea.
    Thing is I think someone else should run it.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 20, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Tyrant Valvatorez
    It's been awhile since I've RP'ed and since I've recently gotten in love with Dangan Ronpa I think it would be awesome if we'd do a RP of it.
    Problem is I'm not that good at making RP's, and I kind of believe the Dangan Ronpa RP should have different rules, like it doesn't have to follow the game 100 percent characters who stayed alive can actually die or be the murder or you can't do this in the RP things like that, I think it would be awesome if we'd make it like a mystery, I just don't think I could set it up that well, and plus whoever would make the RP would have to be Monokuma, I personally would like to be Celes or Nagie.
    Anyone up for making a Dangan Ronpa RP? I'd immediately jump on board.
    Thread by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 20, 2013, 6 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 20, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  6. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Odd, I guess Europe wants teenagers to like ecchi?
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Tyrant Valvatorez
    I sometimes hope that this is all just a ruse.
    If not, than I question these people's IQ's.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 20, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  8. Tyrant Valvatorez
    You know whats odd?
    I'm 100 percent weeaboo and I have NEVER played a hentai game.
    I haven't even played Katawa Shojo (ok I know that's not really hentai) and my friends beg me to play it.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Disgaea D2 and Dark Souls?
    My god, are you me? I'm on my 3rd playthrough of Dark Souls and I still can't put it down.
    And my god, Disgaea D2 better come out faster!
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Having to suffer the same (kind of) I can relate to this.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Tyrant Valvatorez
    I have to work at 4 to 11 and I stay up until 3.
    I know its bad but still, as long as I'm keeping a good work schedule I'm fine right?
    Now when college starts again, than everything will change.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Am I the only one here who thinks KHV doesn't need a censor filter?
    Ok yes I know if we didn't have it people would get away with saying offending things and posting disturbing content.
    But, I mean people can still say **** if the use bold in one of the letters right?
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Why thank you, I finished my first gig last week recording a wedding, I'm currently editing it with my new iMac.
    I'm starting out with Primer Elements but eventually I'll upgrade to Final Cut Pro VII (X sucks, I used it back in school and I hated it, it was dubbed down to just...crap)
    Speaking of school I should be heading back to take some media arts classes. A little extra learning couldn't hurt no one.
    Also I got my own Bamboo tablet so I'll be able to upload OC on to here and DA. So yeah, I got my life in order (for now last time I thought I had it in order and it just ended in chaos)
    Some things seemed to have changed on here, some haven't, just the way I like it.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 20, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Dangan Ronpa
    Birth by Sleep Final Mix (my first time ever play a Final Mix game!)
    Animal Crossing New Leaf (currently building the 2nd floor to the museum, my 3DS friend code is 2191-7972-1810)
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 20, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  15. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Have any of you guys played this game yet? If not let me summarize the gameplay for you, its like Ace Attorney and Persona combined into one bag. The story goes that 14 unique high school students have been kidnapped to a school cut out from the outside world, oh and its ran by a psychotic bear. The only way to get out of the school is to kill someone and get away without getting caught, basically the perfect crime, you investigate murders and present evidence you've found from the investigation to something called a "class trial" as you connect the pieces together you will find the murderer, guess right and the murderer will be "executed" guess wrong however everyone else but the murderer will be "executed".
    Yes there is an anime to this that came out a couple of weeks ago, it only has 3 episodes but honestly like most anime's based off games its usually the game that's better, the game is for the PSP and was only sold in Japan but you can buy the game off Amazon and translate it to english via a fan translation project:
    Or you can download the ISO for free with english already patched if you're feeling like a pirate.
    If you can't do any of that fear not for NIS has announced that they will release the game in America for the Vita in September.
    Check out the game! It's great!
    Oh and yes there is a sequel and it has been released in Japan but the English translation is not out yet though the site above said that they're translating the game right now as we speak.
    Thread by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 20, 2013, 3 replies, in forum: Gaming
  16. Tyrant Valvatorez

    H-h-hi guys

    Yeah um......its been a couple of months.
    I've had some stuff happen in my life recently such as moving to a new Apartment and finding a new job and trying to launch my videography have you guys been?
    Thread by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 20, 2013, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Tyrant Valvatorez

    My Queen!

    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Feb 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Tyrant Valvatorez

    Hey Square

    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Feb 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Tyrant Valvatorez

    Hey Square

    People have made a joke about them not saying a thing about the game though the past E3's and the PS4 conference?
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Feb 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Tyrant Valvatorez

    Hey Square

    I'm not one to import games from Japan, I don't want to learn a whole language just to play a video game, besides the fact that my girlfriend is a weeaboo she mostly learned Japanese so she could play Project Diva games.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Feb 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone