So I want to get something out strait because this has just been on my chest. I don't understand myself, at all. What I mean by this is that I think I'm socially awkward, now I have a lot of friends that support me and I love them to death, hell I'm living with one currently. But lets say one day I go out with a group of friends, lets just say when they joke around and say something sarcastic, nothing to take offensively, I usually start getting confused and think they're serious, they than say that they where joking and we laugh it off at the end, repeat. Its odd, you think I would get use to this but I don't, I have no clue why. And than there's times online, lets say Facebook or hell even on here, now I know its stupid "what, its the internet! Why are you offended?" well let me tell you once again, I don't know. I know I shouldn't freak out because everyone its not a big deal but I get really paranoid easily. I don't like being told things like "oh you spelled something wrong" or "you mean nothing to this site", no I don't freak out about it and keep it as a grudge, but I seriously don't understand why it feels like I get all the hate. And than we get to an even more odd part, my personality consists of sarcasm, I think its odd that I have a personality of sarcasm and yet when someone else is being sarcastic, I just....don't get it and my mind starts to get worried or I start getting angry for no reason. Is there anyway I can change this? Is there anyway I can know "oh don't take it seriously" because honestly I don't know if there is, I think I just get too emotional.
Should I prepare to regret doing that and wasting 1 GB out of 1 TB of my computer?
I remember playing Maverick Hunter X, should get that again. Well currently here's what I've downloaded so far: Black Rock Shooter Crisis Core P3P Prinny: Can I really be the hero? Prinny 2: Dawn of operation Panties dood I'm going to download Blazeblue soon also. I looked at gameplay for the Madoka Magica game and was not impressed, I'm not a fan of first person turn based battles, which is why I don't like games like Earthbound or SMT 1 and 2 (and yet I absolutely love the other games in the series such as Nocturne or Digital Devil Saga) hopefully one day we'll get the Madoka Magica game we've always wanted....
True that, well the fan translation for the second game will be done hopefully soon. That way I don't have to buy an entire Vita for it.
My god. Its the voice of an angel
Has NIS said anything about translating the second game? All I hear is that they're going to translate the first game, it serves no purpose really since the fan translation for the second game is still ongoing but I would like to know.
Nope, originally came out Japan only for PSP. NIS is translating the first game for the Vita but honestly its better to play the game now. I can give you links to the game if you want :-)
Oh you're looking too? Well, I know its a little odd if the OP to give suggestions but. Get Dangan Ronpa (I'm sure mostly a lot of people on KHV have already recommended it :-P), its one of my favorite games I've played in a while, its like Ace Attorney mixed with Persona. Its great![DOUBLEPOST=1374892945][/DOUBLEPOST] I keep hearing that the 3rd Birthday was kind of bad, is it really worth it?[DOUBLEPOST=1374892980][/DOUBLEPOST] Hm, I'll check that out, I use to be a Digimon fan when it first came out :-)
What are some good PSP games I can I've been playing Dangan Ronpa, Birth by Sleep Final Mix and Dissidia 012. Games I'm specifically looking for Japanese games, anythings acceptable as long as its been translated to English.
What happened to the Yuri section we all agreed would open last week? I anticipated good results from it.
Thank you so much: 1. Feminism is ******ed, I almost quit tumblr because there are feminists everywhere in the site. I can't stand it when feminists have to freak out when something like a video game comes out and they say "these women are to sexualized" now first off, its not your game, the creator can do whatever he wants to the game, second off what if the game comes from another country such as Japan? Now I'm no expert on Japan even though I'm an otaku but I think in Japan's culture they accept odd models for women, so basically your arguing about culture. Also you don't see me going around saying "god the male characters in this game are just too buffy!" 2. Even though I don't like certain consoles such as the Xbox One I don't give a crap on which console or platform you play on, just enjoy the video games, when Xbox One had DRM I didn't complain about that because I knew I would be a hypocrite because I love Steam and Steam is like the origin of DRM. 3. Don't see why people complain about Playstation Home, I mean what where you expecting? Something amazing? All it is is a social network for PS3, nothing more. 4. Don't see why people hate Apollo Justice, I thought it was the second best game in the Ace Attorney series. The reason why Apollo was a dubbed down character is because Phoenix fanboys freaked out when Capcom announced a new protagonist so they had to change the entire game because of that. I hope to god that they don't do anything stupid with Apollo like making him quit being a defense attorney because honestly, I love the guy.
So...pinks an illusion? and the whole time in the picture its actually green?
1. If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot, you will only see one color, pink. 2. Green Catastrophe: If you stare at the black + in the center, the moving dot turns to green. 3. Reality Shatter: Now, concentrate on the black + in the center of the picture. After a short period of time, many if not all of the pink dots will slowly disappear, and you may only see a green dot rotating.
So I never understood the hate for Apollo, I think he's an awesome character so I made this just to show my love for him <3. I loved Apollo so much I would go as far as to say I enjoyed playing as him more than Phoenix. I'm excited to play as him again in Ace Attorney 5! Oh and the text is lyrics to Apollo's objection theme: Subscribe to this women, she is amazing
I don't want to act like a boss. I just don't like being treated harshly. I never understood why most members act like I've burnt down an orphanage. I don't really care about repetition either, I like being the underdog, I don't want peoples attention.
Ouch. Doesn't matter, I'm nothing to anyone in my life anyway, I'm use to it.
No I can't please help me I'm lost.
Are you saying I haven't even built a repetition?