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  1. Tyrant Valvatorez
    I honestly know this feeling, back when I had my PC I had a ton of unorganized songs.
    I was very picky and wanted them to even have album covers because I can't stand blank covers.
    Than when I got a iMac it asked if I wanted to transfer any of my songs to the computer, I just thought "lolnope".
    I was getting sick of most of the songs anyway, I always get this feeling of after loving a song and than listening to it do death, I just get tired of it, but give it a couple of months or a year and I love it again.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Only when I really like the artist and I support their work.[DOUBLEPOST=1375153067][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Recently I've found that they've updated it quite well for organizing.
    The only problem is if you "barrow" a song and they turn out blank, that's really where the organizing gets to.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Tyrant Valvatorez
    It's like Steam, once you buy something and see it in your collection you think:
    "More MORE!"
    I bought Daft Punks new album and it wasn't enough, I bought my favorite Miku songs after that and I'm still craving.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Is it an addiction to basically grow your iTunes library?
    Because whenever I see mine I just think:
    "More more more!"
    Thread by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 29, 2013, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Oh well thank god I chose the right choice.
    I chose to save Kirigi, I mean, why would you sell her out to the puppetmaster?
    And I'm hoping Dangan Ronpa 2 lives up to the first game, I keep hearing that its better than the first game but we'll just have to wait and see.
    I'm not watching the lets play since I prefer playing my games instead of seeing some other guy play it.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Tyrant Valvatorez
    That's good, I got a feeling she was lying being the queen that she is.
    What's also awesome is right when I got to the part where they're about to leave, my iTunes (yeah I sometimes play music when I play games....that's just me) started playing this and for some odd reason, it seemed fitting to me anyway....:

    and my bro Hagakure survives! Lets just hope his prediction about him and Naegi's kids are gonna have the same mom is incorrect.....
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 29, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Tyrant Valvatorez just have one question

    Jayn edit because you can see the spoiler when you hover over the thread title.

    Did the world really come to an end? Is the ending one of those "they want you to guess what happened next". I'm guess the world didn't end because one Junko AKA Monokuma has told countless lies just to get the students in despair two than how does Dangan Ronpa 2 happen? I mean I can't say anything since I haven't even played it yet, the english translation is not even ready but still, if the world ended there would be no possible way for Dangan Ronpa 2 to happen. It can only happen if the world survived and that the next person in the "Super Duper High School Dispair" would be up next in controlling Monokuma, which means if there are still members out there than we could have ourselves a third game :D
    Spoilers aside I thought that the game was FANTASTIC! Here's the best thing Dangan Ronpa gets right, you cannot hate one character, each character is unique and great in their own ways, knowing more about them in your free time
    Oh wait, you knew them before but than your memory was erased
    (ok that's the last time for spoilers, I swear) it was sad to see some characters I liked die, and just finding out the truth is even more sad. The Class Trials where probably the best part, I have to say I enjoyed them more than Ace Attorney (sorry're still one of my faves'll have to accept this) not only for its unique gameplay but for how more simple it is than Ace Attorney, now I love myself a challenge but there's one thing I couldn't stand about AA:Justice for All and AA: Trials and Tribulations, this whole "thinking outside the box" crap, Ace Attorney 1 and Apollo Justice got it right by giving you what you know to present, only the testimonies would lead you off track, actually thinking logically, but we're talking about Dangan Ronpa *ahem* so Dangan Ronpa takes logic, stuff you know, stuff you've seen and what you have do is present what seems the most logical. So I'm going to say if for this right now, PLAY THIS GAME! Screw the anime, it goes to fast and you know less about the characters, play the game, experience it, actually figure it out.

    tl;dr: Play the game, get the ISO and the translation pack and dust off your PSP.
    Thread by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 29, 2013, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Tyrant Valvatorez
    His objection theme is sexy though :3
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Tyrant Valvatorez
    And prepare to become a man.
    Thread by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 28, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Rated M for Manly.
    Its probably Apollo's sexy new look.
    I don't blame them.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Fizzy bubbly surgery carbonated liquid
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 27, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Tyrant Valvatorez
    If you enjoyed the American McGee's Alice games, there is now an official kickstarter to help with the third game of the series! The game sounds interesting, seeing famous people's visions within Alice sounds awesome!
    Thread by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 27, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  13. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Here's an even more important question:
    Why do people even like him?
    All he does is scream and makes rape jokes.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 27, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Tyrant Valvatorez

    I did it.

    Immediately when I posted this thread I just thumped on the bed.
    I just woke up.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 27, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Tyrant Valvatorez

    I did it.

    I managed to stay up all night and finish my first video for my videography business.
    Was it worth it?
    Well we'll see once I have the money now shall we?
    Thread by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 27, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Hi there! I'm making this here new signature and would love it if I can get some help! Please feel free to save the pic and add what needs to be added to make it better :D But specifically I would like help with the middle piece, I need to make the line between Naigi and Apollo more "better looking I guess we could say". Other than that like I said before please feel free to add anything you think will make this pic better, I shall give you credit for when I make this my sig :3
    Thread by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 27, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Help
  17. Tyrant Valvatorez
    I know, thank you anyway, I'm trying to get use to my friends saying it :-)
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 27, 2013 in forum: Help with Life
  18. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 27, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  19. Tyrant Valvatorez
    Currently downloading them :D
    My friend is obsessed with Vocaloids, she already pre-ordered Project Diva F, thank god that's coming to America.
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 27, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Tyrant Valvatorez


    Hi kitty kat kitty :3
    Post by: Tyrant Valvatorez, Jul 27, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone