Hello everyone :D Although I just read the full page of posts, I still only picked up that your talking about killer cookies and burn said something about a top hat...Despite being insane, and I'm pretty sure I've said something about tophat wearing cookies at some point in my life, I'm clueless, really. Since I can't really add much on to your conversation, I'll leave you with 3 bags full of epic-filled-candy and an edible top hat (grape flavoured!). Happy halloween, I guess. Oh, yeah, and I'm Australian, so don't ask me if it's not halloween where you are...
Although I don't know what you're talking about, thats fine. While I'm talking (not really talking, but you know. No explanation needed. But I did it anyways. BURN. Okay, this is getting a bit long for a side note....), Don't post if you've ever heard the term "it's over 9000"....*Backfired* okay, scratch that.
And that lucky mod gets to win. Makes me sad. Thats nice. *tabs youtube* NOW WAIT FOR YOUR TURN! As do I.
Oh, right. Hows life?
I'm starting to think no one remembers why this thread was made...Well, there was no reason why this thread was made...So, really, it's not off topic, so...This thread has no meaning and no one really cares that this has been going for 111 pages. Good lord, how did I NOT realise that earlier....
I'll be casual me throwing lolly pops and candy at little kids if I get bored. It's not like they'd care, its candy.
"I will go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat. I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat. Then, on some dark, cold night I will steal away into your home and punch you in the face." "Tater tots are merely the obese portion of the french fry community." "Did you really think your future self wouldn't know where you were hiding?" "Then why'd it take you so long to find us?" "SHUT UP." "When life gives you lemons, keep them, 'cause hey, free lemons!" "If you call me a dumbass, you've got the insult Wrong already. I'm a JACK-Ass. Not a dumbass." "The crisis of today is the joke of tomorrow." "How'd you get up there?" "I fell." "Isn't having a smoking section in a restaurant like having a peeing section in a swimming pool?" "...Teehee... You said Porn..." "ROFLmayo + Ham Sammich" "Cursing the curser with twice the curse." "I will probably keep screwing it up so that I can keep doing it." And thats all I could find, along with my sig.
PREPARE FOR THE QUOTEING OF A LIFE TIME! "haha yeah (x" >:3 Indee-stuff it -.- You are what? OH!!! Then whats so-wait, I got it...*Reffering to...
Sweet indeed :3 Dam straight you better be! For I have CASUAL OUTFITS! (and so many!) Once again, awesome indeed :3 (I'm currently obsessed with...
By the way, here are some things you might need to know. E-mail: Deveraux_XIII@y7mail.com To be specific, what kind of comedy fan fic?...
LOL. Just lol. yay!!! Halloween? CANDY!?? COSPLAYING!!! *Happy dance* I'll do my best to get a roxas costume. if i can't...beware casual me....
WHAT!?! Well this sucks. Seeing that I lost A LOT of my conversation with xion...Oh, and that other stuff. <---[not entirely caring about it]
-POST CHANGED- Lol, KH-vids had a time jump and went back 1 month. It annoyed me though :/....Anyways, a quick notice. You start the next part...
really, i couldn't of guessed XD whats a compliment? what later? whats nice? yes, what about it? what about WoW? (lame jokes, anyone?) YAY! good...
sure about that? when was the last time you ate a book? rawrzasaurz. (rawr+z=rawrz+saur+z=saurz=rawrzasaurz.) are you sure about THAT? when was...
unless your blind. so true its almost like a tower of trueness that has a room espeacially for cats. i'll just leave it in my homework book, im...
i still have to change some text colours, but i've finished the main layout. yeah, it always happens when you have a fluffy cat...unless you dont...
wow, lucky me? im Australian...but that is unfair though. i'd be pissed too.
you may have noticed i redesigned my page...again. hows it look? (erm...the good ol' days? i dont know.) its been a while since i saw you. i've...
hear no video, see no video the video dosn't like me. it wont come out of hiding...