Your no match for my marth-al arts!
...Okay. *hands him a controller* Lets go play Super smash bros.!
Did you just say you crumbled my cookie? *pulls out grenade*
I've seen people with 3 year old accounts and they havn't even got 600 yet. I wish there were more KH threads that I had any sort of decent...
Oh, okay. *puts shotgun away* *pulls out rocket launcher* *distant explosion*....Whoops, looks like that guy was just dressed as a zombie. Oh...
AHHHHHHH! ZOMBIE! *pulls out shotgun*....Oh, it's just you. ^.^" heh....Please remember to knock next time. And where you just flipping through...
Actually, it was in there. Its just that it was under the name of KH3D back then, not KH3D:DDD. As a matter of fact, they posted that video on here and pointed it out for you >.<... Back on topic, HOLY CRAP! That gameplay was....Wow. Although, the "bouncing between walls" Kinda reminded me of Sonic. And Soras raining from the sky? Either that is as a matter of fact a dream, or Nomura was high. Or something happened, it's KH, how should I know? Doing my best to stay on topic...New world? Yays.
You all have a very good point. Changed to cry.
God I wish I had a PSP.... I keep thinking when I see "notifacations" it's xion, but it always ends up being someone else. Not to be mean or...
*shrugs*. He probably is an idiot.
He has brain damage? Maybe because we forgot to put make up on and we looked different? He's a dumb ass? What everyone else said?
He'll probably come at the exact right time dressed as Ezio and attempt to assinate him whith his hidden straw blade, fail and end up getting raped himself.
That, or he's crazy and is going to make her his sex slave and eventually kill her in her sleep when he gets tired of her.
What, would you rather be shopping for cloths? We just jazzed it up a bit, is all.
I choose 3. 1 wouldn't be interesting enough, and 2 involves crying, which I refuse to let her do.
Exactly. Now, unless shes a power ranger, shes getting raped.
Pretty much. I'm not sure if I should be proud or confused.
The car heartless (again >.<). It's annoyance level is almost that of a campers*. I'm not going to say Xaldin, because bosses are MEANT to be difficult. This is what xemmy atleast should've been like. I didn't like Demyx though, he was like a kitty cat, then he pulls out moves that require non-stop reflega and recation command spamming. The 1000 heartless battle, where I have 1 left, but he's stuck behind a rock, so I have to play hide and seek. Easy to find, though. Nothing big. *Not like I play FPS games, its just that "campers" is a common term for anyone who looked at the comments on a youtube video.
Are we talking about KH2FM*? Because I have normal KH2. If were not, exactly when did this occur? I've almost finished 4 playthroughs, and havn't noticed it. *As in Roxas' summer. Just so no confusion arises.
Sorry for the barage of comments, but I really miss you. I can barely go a day without you (true story :3) Please get back on soon.