Yo! 'Sup, mate?
Hikari looked to Kaita and nodded. "The Heartless threaten to break through their barrier," she said gravely. "If they manage to destroy their barrier, the inhabitants will become a victim of Time itself. They will die... and those who survive the sudden disruption will be victims of the Heartless. So far, the barrier has a few cracks; not bad enough to break the barrier, but enough to allow a few Heartless to enter and threaten the inhabitants." Hikari informed the three, her face expressionless and her eyes filled with disdain. She turned to Sess and gave a small smile. "I'm glad it's your group that's going," she added happily, her shoulders relaxing. "Since Atlantis will need someone who can understand the very essence of Time." Sess looked at her. "How convenient," he muttered cynically. The youth turned to Katia and Kaito. "Are you all ready?" Sess asked them, not bothering to look to see if they were ready or not. Hikari slipped a piece of paper to Katia, which was the name of their Gummiship. Solace…
Hikari smiled widely. "This is a Lost World. Ironically, you can't lose something that doesn't want to be found," she said cryptically. "Regardless, this World is quite special because it is outside of Time itself. It is very special... the inhabitants don't age a year after reaching adulthood. They are, in a sense, immortal." She explained, approaching them. She pulled out of her pocket three glowing shards of crystal. "These will allow you to enter the world." Hikari told them, handing the trio the slivers.
Sess raised a brow, then shook his head. The silver-haired youth found himself looking forward to this Exam, finding it worth his time afterall. He followed after the girl, ignoring Kaito (though he did acknowledge the young Wielder's existence for a short time). As they left the room, they were the first to enter Hikari's office. The young woman, who most likely wasn't as young as she appeared to be, was leaning against a wall as she gazed out the window. Though the Wielder's didn't see it, Hikari's face scrunched up. "I smell magic..." she mumbled. Hikari turned to them, smiling. "That was fast," she laughed, a double meaning in her words. "Since you're the first group to appear before me... I'll give you a very special destination." Hikari told the three. Sess hung back, arms crossed and eyes closed, appearing as nonchalant as he had back in the Chamber of Awakening.
Sess laughed. "I have an idea who..." he said bitterly, brushing away a lock of hair. He continued to look at Katia and nodded. "Fine. I'll join you..." Sess said at length. Katia was quiet, yet determined, and so she was a better choice. He knew he wouldn't be able to leave the place without partaking in the Exam, so he chose her and her less-than-annoying companion. However, Sess sensed that Katia had a superior-sort of personality. He gave her a knowing smile and crossed his arms, half-daring her to boss him around.
Sess continued to walk away from Jason as he used Gravity, despite the added weight to his feet. He didn't listen to him. Why would he? Jason was nothing to him. If he chose, Sess would break him like a twig. But he didn't. Jason was a kid who didn't understand the true magnitude of things. When Jason thought he had won, he relinquished the spell. The Wielder was half-tempted to freeze Jason in the currents of time, to remove him from the present for a short amount of time. Sess smiled sardonically at that, but was interrupted by Katia's approach and question. Before he could answer, however, Hickari performed his firework show. Sess's eyes narrowed as his lips curled into a thankful, and ultimately wicked, smile. "What about Pyro the Fancypants Clown?" Sess asked, half-mockingly.
H-uh... I like the change. It's different, aesthetically pleasing, and surprisingly smooth. Granted, I'll miss the old look, but I can definitely get used to this new and interesting forum.
Lol, poor you.
Playable characters? No. Accepted.
Sess cocked a brow, as if Jason had just challenged him. "Rivals?" He asked, feigning acknowledment. "Look, George," Sess began with his retort. "I don't care if you think you're top dog, the reality is... you're nothing more than a pain. This 'shred of wisdom' thing you think you're doing? It's nothing more than ignorance that you're molding just to impress your crush here." The silver haired lad nodded to Skylar to emphasize his point. He moved away from the wall, giving Skylar a strange look, perhaps something akin to an apology, as he began moving across the room.
Just got back from the store. You?
Sounds great, lol
Lol, that's awesome
Really? I thought it was kinda dry. Maybe when I utter my last breath?
Aww... well, my secrets are mine, even if they slip out. The key is to drag them back into the shadows and beat them with Hugh Laurie's cane from...
*Tackles* I am so. I am the master of deflection.
Rofl. I'm awesome times twenty. *Kicks humanity repeatedly*
I do not understand... are you jealous that I am paying more attention to myself? Because you should know, I'm a narcissist.
I don't understand. You're rambling like a madwoman. *Repeatedly shoots his humanity*