OOC: Ah, alright, thanks. I was wondering about that. Uramax looked at Xero. "I was out for a stroll, for a snack. I think the kids call it trick-or-treating," he responded casually, running a hand through his hair. "In this case, I did both." Uramax added whimsically, stating it as if it were an obvious thing. "So what did I miss?"
It's just a hunch, so I may be wrong.
Uramax both heard and felt Luna's rage, and figured he might as well leave. He looked to Roxella who sat across from him now. Uramax smiled at her and offered her another wink. "No... she probably just lost a very special memento. You know how people act when they lose something important," the Nobody lied. He rose from his seat and shoved his half-eaten pie Roxella's way. "Here, eat the rest... I got a date with some really important people. Can't be late to those sort of things, you know." Uramax laughed, walking away. He paused in the center of the bakery and turned to Roxella. "I hope we meet again," he said, opening a Dark Corridor. "Otherwise, I'll die of boredom." The Nobody walked into the Dark Corridor, closing it as soon as he began his journey to Xero and her gang.
Ditto. I think if you write the right amount of characters/words, your posts start counting in the RP Arena. Either that, or I'm magically gaining...
lol, why thank you. I'm actually having some fun with him. I enjoy your RP, by the way. It's pretty fun.
Oh? How's that?
Uramax looked at the pie and then to Luna. Her playfulness had ended and something new took over. Wonderful, I smell a cat fight... unfortunately, it isn't this little bugger. Uramax thought as he references the cute little cat-thing. "Oh, sweet potato pie, it's here!" He cried out jovially, trying to ease the tension. He did hear Roxella's response earlier, but the pie had interrupted them. The accursed pie! Without a moment more of hesitation, he wolfed down the pie, gulping down the milk, all the while keeping his attention on the ladies. Luna, you cow, if you ruin my big debut, so help me I'll throw you down a flight of stairs faster than you can chop me up into stew!
'ello! :P
Uramax arched a brow in surprise. "Oh? Now that's interesting," the Nobody said, a double meaning to his words. "I heard it's a beautiful and peaceful place. Are the rumors true?" Uramax asked, masking his astonishment with intrigue. Uramax did not feel like fighting or killing a keyblade wielder, especially one who was training beneath one of the greatest wielders. The Nobody decided he would have his fun and remain secluded until after he ate and finished his pie.
Uramax turned to her lazily, his eyes glazed with hunger. "I'm from..." he began. As he thought about it, he realized that he didn't remember. "I don't remember..." he murmured, sighing. The thought sobered him, and Uramax sat up straight and crossed his arms. "Where are you from?" He asked Roxella, deflecting the question entirely.
Uramax continued to wear the same cheeky smile, even as he could tell that he was pushing Luna's buttons. The Nobody waited for the young lady to return, milk in hand. However, the aroma of the pie filled his nostrils. He groaned and laid his head onto the table, his stomach growling. "Ugh... so hungry..." Uramax whined, even as Luna set the glass of milk on the table. He waited for the pie to finish cooling before rewarding himself a drink of milk.
Uramax frowned as Luna came belatedly to his aid. Her sympathetic words and offer to help him made him frown even more. "I bet your true aim is to cut me into pieces and put me in a fine stew," he quipped, rubbing his sore throat. Regardless, he was thirsty... and baby needed his milk, and the Worlds only know how much he loves his milk. Uramax accepted her hand and got up. "Well, go on," he began, already pushing her towards the back. "Get me my milk, you murderer!" Uramax joked again, giving Roxella a wink.
Uramax did his best to keep his expression as cocky as possible to hide his surprise. He accepted the cookie and casually ate it, acting as if a situation like this has happened a thousand times before. The entire scenario was interesting, to say the least, and Uramax found it entirely pleasing and, at the same time, awkward. "Well, I'm glad I decided to stop here for a snack," he muttered, taking a bite of the cookie. As Luna went to make the pie, Uramax gasped for air. If he had a heart, his cheeks would flush with color and sweat would run down his brow. But he was a Nobody, a being without a heart. Unfortunately, that gasp of relief caused the bitten piece of the cookie to lodge itself into his throat, and he began to choke. Damn her and her seductive charm! He chastised himself, beating at his chest. Uramax finally coughed up the cookie, gasping and coughing some more as he slid down to the floor, against the counter. "Women... they're trouble," he sighed, shaking his head. He looked to Kaxar and Roxella, but shrugged. Uramax decided to talk to them later, after he got over Luna's diabolical game.
Uramax arched a brow at Luna, but his stomach howled impatiently. He winced. "Well, sweetheart," Uramax began, one arm on the counter. "I want a sweet potato pie, slightly spiced and freshly baked. Not just a slice, but an entire pie still in the tin. And a large glass of milk if you have any." He told her, keeping his tone suave and cool as to not let her know how weak and hungry he truly was. Uramax turned around, leaning entirely against the counter in a nonchalant manner. "And if you can get it here, double time, I may even leave a tip." Uramax cooed, a smile on his lips.
Uramax continued his journey throughout Twilight Town, his stomach growling louder and more aggressively. The Nobody groaned in response, slouching further as he trudged through the town. As he wandered towards the outskirts of town, he began to smell a particular aroma... so rich and sweet. Uramax's stomach howled happily, almost making the Nobody double over. "Yeah, yeah," Uramax growled. "I smell it too. Smells like Heaven covered in chocolate sprinkles." Uramax followed the smell to a store, a bakery no less, and he began to drool. He walked into the bakery, practically gliding across the floor as hope sparked in his eyes.
Zexion appeared behind the Superior through a Dark Corridor, slowly approaching him. The Cloaked Schemer kept a respectful distance between himself and Xemnas as he stopped. "Superior..." Zexion hailed, his voice soft and his tone polite. He waited for Xemnas to respond, to greet him. It was only proper courtesy, after all. Xhinil, too, appeared before the Superior. He, however, remained silent as he looked upon Xemnas, and occasionally sparing a glance at Zexion. Xhinil was new, and currently knew very little of is duties. Coincidentally, it seemed Zexion was seeking work, and so the Nobody had spared Xhinil time by speaking to Xemnas.
Username: Sessamaru Name: Uzumaki Tetsuya Age: 12 Gender: Male Appearance: Clan: Uzumaki Rank: Academy Student Bio: Born into the Uzumaki clan, Tetsuya is just an average boy who moved to Konoha to become a great ninja. He's rather young, naïve, and quite happy-go-lucky. His optimism and kindness is unrelenting, making him rather stubborn and headstrong. Other: Tetsuya possesses the trademark bright-red hair of the Uzumaki people, the unique lifeforce, and even their longevity should he live long enough.
Project: ULTIMAThe Fenrir Corporation. They are the ruling government of Mundus, a planet located in the Central Solar System of the Omniverse, fourth planet from the sun "Drako". Ever since the insurrection against the old government, the Fenrir Corporation had supported the people and gained the power and support of the people... which allowed them to perform the coup de grace by usurping the ruling leaders. Since then, the Corporation extended its scientific research, unhindered by the Old Laws. To this extent, they began to branch out into Space... and beyond. In doing so, they made new discoveries and came up with newer experiments that were, if anything, illegal. Regardless, these amoral experiments were secretive even to the Corporations military. Ironically, the soldiers were experimented on themselves without their knowledge. In the end, the Corporation began working on their trump card... Project: ULTIMA, a BWMD capable of destroying a planet. They began the experiment after discovering traces of White Matter, which seemed to possess unique qualities. One of these qualities was to latch onto DNA and mutate it. However, the effects were often negative when applied to humans, for their bodies degenerated, breaking down molecule after molecule in a matter of minutes. Another property was the effects of entropy when exposed to air, which forced them to keep the WM in a constant vacuum. However, this revolutionized weaponry, allowing them to make guns that use beams on concentrated WM. WM had multiple purposes, like a source of infinite energy or anti-gravitational devices. But... after finding a particular specimen in the Omniversal Void of Space, they applied the WM to the entity's DNA. As it turned out as a success, they cryogenically froze the specimen, dubbed "Project: ULTIMA", and began the execution phase (or field testing) by using criminals or by kidnapping well-renowned warriors. To them, they applied multi-purpose nanomachines that enhanced reflexes, strength, stamina, speed, and mental capacity to superhuman levels, as well as giving them heightened senses (as well as the sixth sense) and an accelerated healing factor on par with regeneration. All-in-all, they, too, have been cryogenically frozen and their memories wiped. And thus, they are to partake in an Omniversal Tournament, the guise for the true purpose: to test and officially execute Project: ULTIMA. Rules No godmodding/metagaming/autoing Character Deaths: Ask permission first. Swearing/cursing is allowed, so long as it isn't excessive. This RP is violent, but it isn't solely centered on combat: feel free to add drama and remember that the current situation is for you to survive and seek a way to escape this Hell that you were put in. I want at least a paragraph per post. (A paragraph is about four to six sentences). Regularly check the OOC for any new information or updates that may be vital to the RP's progress. I, as the Game Master (GM), am exempt from most of the rules (it's a story thing). Do not cry about how the storyteller is whooping your rumps up and down the street and how it's unfair. It's not. Follow ALL the rules (Forum, RP Arena, and mine) OC Sheet Spoiler Username: Character Name: Age: (Must be at least 21) Appearance: Weapon: Skills: (What are you good at?) Special Ability: (You start out with one. These are like Limit Breaks, except you can only use these abilities once per day; as the RP continues on, the oldest SA can be used more than once and the newest are the new "Once-per-day" trick) Affinity: (What element or form of magic most applies to you? Only one. Time and Space are not allowed). Personality: (List and explain what makes your character unique, about how/she works; this includes quirks) Accepted OCs Spoiler: Empty... <RESERVED> <RESERVED> <RESERVED> <RESERVED> <RESERVED> <RESERVED> <RESERVED> <OPEN> <OPEN> <OPEN> <OPEN> <OPEN> <OPEN> <OPEN>
Thanks :P L = 50
OOC: Awesome, thanks ^^ Uramax yawned as he walked about, his head hanging low and his stomach growling. He looked left and right lazily, searching for food to quell his rather angry stomach. "Great..." Uramax muttered, shaking his head as he carried along his own slouching body across Twilight Town. He, himself, wasn't wearing the cloak he was meant to. He didn't care much for it. Uramax enjoyed wearing his long red coat and normal clothes... though, granted, he looked as ridiculous as the others who did wear their cloaks. Uramax sighed, "joy," he muttered sarcastically. "I'm both lost AND hungry. Can this day get any better?'