Im not in high school you know. Im in grade 8.
Enough. i drank 14 within 3 hours last night. thats too much.
Drink the rest i have? you have no idea hwo muhc i have. If you look at my pictures in the picture thread, thats what my computer desk is like every day. but i clean it every day too, so there are always new bottles, not old ones. MY desk is always covered with them.
Ive tried to throw away the alcohol, but i cant do it. 1. because i feel as if i need it 2. i hate throwing away something that can still be used.
Right click > Save As
4 months younger than me. 13.
Alright i have a few problems i need to deal with now. My girlfriend is pregnant. Its definately abortion, but i still feel depressed and angry about it. And because of that, alot of other stuff is going on. Ive started drinking -excessively- and im only 14. This is definately very bad for me, but when i try to stop, i cant. Im back into my old habit of cutting myself, and i dont know why. i dont even want to, but sometimes if i have somethign sharp in my hand i just do it out of instinct, like im supposed to be doingit or something. and now this kid in my class who used to be my friend, now is the biggest ****ing ******* ive ever ****ing seen in my entire ****ing like. hes a ****ing attention whore who can't get enough of m suffering. examples: Bens stupid and sick and ******ed, his girlfriends pregnant, thats so disgusting, dont talk to him Oh ben is an idiot because i say so, dont include him in the grad skit that he spent a month writing Ben is obviously gay, dont let him hang out with us Im about ready to take one of these bottles, break it, and slit his throat.
And todays bottle collection puts us up to... 6 on the left of my monitor 2 on the right Todays total is 8 >.> Did i mention i like guitars? 3 Rock Band 2 Guitar hero 1 Electric 1 Accoustic
10/10 10/10 9.5/10
use final form, and time your j umps perfectly. I got through with Glide lvl 3 and aerial dodge lvl 2 some how by using final form. i still dont know how i made it through the first part witho nly lvl 2 dodge though lol.
Use a different controller
_......._ .\(O_.)/ i dunno, lol
i lol'd
Cecil Kain and Rosa was one i enjoyed alot. IMO II/IV was the best one they made, and i enjoyed the story more than VII in places.
Epic win lmfao xD
YES! Ive been wanting this for SO LONG!
"I group girls into A to D" I laughed at that >.>