Cmon Kay, work through this. You helped me when i was down, now its my turn to help you.
^ Inuyasha L v
Yeah, thats what happens.
Abortion just means to kill the baby before it gets born. and i mean the one kid who makes my life miserable isnt my friend still. No, i just dont understand what you were saying.
You call that swimming???
You Call That Swimming????!!!!
Gay Bar - Electric Six
This is definatelyt fake. No way they would ruin the game like that.
D :
Avvy: 8.5/10 sig: 8/10
Yeah, shes getting an abortion. and i DONT consider him a friend anymore. Thanks for the support. Ilil try to dump the drinking
Wait what? i dont understand what you mean
She will DIE if she gives birth to the baby.
Nice! ive been waiting forsomething like this. Dual Oblivions ftw!
Thanks, and bye.
yeah, they do.
Yeah. More than once, but we always had protection
$0. i havge literally nothing iny my wallet, i carry money in my pocket, even large amounts of money like $200+
Like 7 months ago
YAY FOR WMP!!! *shot* Actually iTunes hasnt really screwed up for me lately