Dont use internet explore. Use firefox.
11 here
i say if you do, youll be likei just was =D *Bribes Arc* But no really, any derepping done from this thread will be removed (i hope)
I lol'd
upping another picture, this one actually has the rep gems in it. Okay, who the hell derepped me after i asked not to be. its over, dont mess with my rep anymore.
Yup, im done. edit: please dont derep me anymore, itll start actually affecting my rep. its back to normal now.
O_o Its not permanent rofl.
Even less rep now, hold on xD
Xendran is Xendran (-999.999 rep)
Hold up, a pic of user CP coming soon
rofl xDDDD
-999,999 rep =D
Kingdom Hearts 3 Final Fantasy XIII Final Fantasy Versus XIII Metal Gear Solid 4 Army of Two Resistance 2 Other random crap
BAckup is on the way. ive been trying too and why am i not in this fanclub D:
Crying does NOT make you weak. Pretending you have no emotions would make you weak. you are human, you have emotions, you have a right to express them. You are NOT WEAK. And about asking on a kingdom hearts forum, who here actuallly comes here to talk about kingdom hearts? KH-Vids is almost 100% social now, and almost 0% kingdom hearts, even though that is what the site is based on.
Sig and avy: both 10 Both look like they were taken from hentai/doujin
Sorry, but im just overloaded, im actually cryign as i type this. Please don't hurt yourself. I know what ive put people through by doing this, and if you hurt yourslef, or even killed youself, i wouldn't be able to live with yourself. I dont really show this enough, but i really do appreciate you, and you were the first one here i really appreciated alot, and i will always be here for you.
Alright, talk to me on msn a bout this, itll be easier to say some things.
Dont ignore it and stay positive for now. i know this feels like a horrible thing to say, but just cry. Cry for a while, and eventually you'll feel better. Trust me, after youve just let out every emotion you have, wihtout harming yourself, it will be much easier to think positive.