The fact that kairi is psychic PotC Voice Acting
Soooo oooooooollllllllllddddddddddd
Go to the downlaod button that leads to mediafire. Seriously, it works perfectly. and dont use too many exclamation marks, and smileys with alot of keys like that.
New pics and yes, i draw on my arm alot. they are a bit clearer if you look on my photobucket profile at the tumbnails
lets make an epic guitar song with.... 5 notes, and 27 chords.... one of which is using all 5 notes >.> Drums i can see, but why not vocals?
I live in canada, and at stores here, we have MANY more 80 gigs than we do 40 gigs. I got an 80 gig for christmas, but i got a second controller with it, and i really dont care about rumble that much, so ill only buy a DS3 if i rally need it / want it badly enough
Im not surprised, there was a MASSIVE amount of hype for this game.
The RIku II fight, not last battle. thats why it says Riku/ansem right in the title. Riku II Was a VERY hard fight, he was very quick, and did excessive amounts of damage. IMO, The best boss battle in the series storywise, and gameplay/action wise its only rivaled by Terra or Roxas.
Use elixers, avoid his attacks with glide and dodge roll, (i managed to never guad once and kill him many many times) And abuse Strike raids invincibility (i find it mote useful than Ars Arcanum)
Dear god that thing is ugly... And me and my friends make fun of it by caling it stuff like Guitar Band Hero IV: Rock on or Rock Hero IV: Guitar Band just mashign RB and GHIV together. It really is kind of a ripoff, and im in no mood to play drums on dragonforce, so ill stay away from this.
I hit the download button and it takes me to a MEdiafire link, lettimg me download it...
Over 9000 people killed? *Refrains from screaming it*
Hollow Bastion - KH1 Castle Oblivion - Chain of Memories The World That Never Was - KH2
I saw this a few weeks ago, and it really is absolutely AMAZING.
Yeah, i always enjoyed KH's graphic style. Anyways, im to tired to continue this discussion, so im done for tonight.
This actually makes me kind of depressed....
To tell the truth, i have NEVER hit the preview post button xD
Yeah, every system has its strengths and weaknesses. Wii: Not sure how controls and battle system would work well with Wiimote 360: Square doesnt really support microsoft, and it just doesnt seem like a 360 game to me PS3: Not too many ps3 owners at the moment.
I never said it coudlnt look good on the Wii, im jsut saying if they decided to make this one graphics intense (and who knows, they may use CG level graphics in it, but i honestly have no idea) Then the ps3 would be a better logical choice. It could look good on the wii as well. edit: and if i DID say it c ouldnt look good on the Wii, then disregard it.
Two words: Raining Blood Now, dont tell me crappy is the best way to describe it. More like.. Absolutely ****** horrible useless game-raping idiots fits it a bit better. And IMO, Guitar hero 2 is the closest thing HMX had to perfect notecharts. GH1 had some... wierd things (Bark at the Moon's chords were completely off place) GH80's had What i like about you and Electric Eye (OVVEERRCHARTED) Rock band has Blackened (OOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEEERRRCHAAAAARTTEEDDDDD WOWWWWWWWW) GH2's closest thing to overcharting would be jordan, which i never really considered to be too much overcharted. Some of the noted in the solo are slightly faster, but thats about it.