Tell him that. if it doesnt work, go to the next step and blatantly point out his mistakes. if that doesnt work, be cruel, and get people to shun him. or yknow, try to explain to him how you feel and that if he cant try and change you cant be friends with him anymore.
I thought she was a guys too >.>
ive downloaded every song, i just dont play DLC on guitar, my DLC is mainly for drums. and i dont track DLC scores anymore. those DLC scores are ooollddddd
alright so i remeasured myself (instead of goign by what i thought i was) turns out im 6'0" =D im a tall 14 year old ^_^
Obviously, after tax its over 200 bucks.
hs more beer n him thn me
hey is 14 ber to muc?
5'11 uhhhh yeh .
YOU! I want to take you to a gay bar! i want to yake you to a gay bar! I want to take you to a gay bar, gay bar, gay bar!