You are naughty. You can't go to the store when I need entertaining!!! Come back right now! You are not allowed to go to the store! Oh. You...
I'm bored... Time for you to entertain me again, Fady!!!
Thanks! =D I edited it from a poster. Y'know, the one from Advent Children? Yeah, that one. :P I love your profile picture. That is soooo...
Hey, did you say that I should send in Axel lines? Fade said that you did in the group... So... Should I?
First off, I only started this group with the sole purpose of getting ideas for new cosplays. Plus, I saw that there wasn't a cosplay group yet, so meh. If anyone can give me any ideas as to who I should cosplay, I'll give them a cookie. Oh, and by the way, I've never been to any big anime conventions, (Fanime, et cetera). But that comment is not an invitation to start bashing me! Let's try to keep this group clean! NO BEING MEAN! Photos of your personal cosplay experiences welcome!
I concur with that one. We should do little games! Like scavenger hunts! Go onto Google Images and try to find the exact image that someone gives! That might kick up the amount of posts! Stress on "might..."
See, I thought that you meant that I should watch the Disney movies on the TV. :P No need to get mean. T_T JK But, y'know what I just...
Ah, but you see, our TV doesn't have a headphone jack! And I just watched Last Order and it was awesome! Granted, it was only a 21 minute...
I would do the latter of those two things, but there are two problems with that. One: my roommate is asleep. I would probably wake him up...
Isn't that the point of any kind of school? Pointless stress to learn things that you might use outside the classroom? I joke, I joke! I kid, I...
Do ya see it? Do ya? Do ya?! I triple-dog dare you to do it!
Oh, and by the way, go check out the Fandub chat thingy. You're missing something that might be kinda fun!
I agree with the last comment. You do sound like you need a vacation! I think that you're stressed out too much. A little bit of stress is...
I agree with the last one. :P
FADY!!!! I am soooooo bored! Entertain me!!! But don't feel too pressured! We don't want poor ol' fadedphantom to break, now do we? :P
Out of Commission... I am still here, but I won't be posting as much. My computer got the Conflicker Virus on April 2nd, and now won't turn on, at all. T_T I might be back around the day after Easter. =D Well, hopefully... O_< Later for now!
Well, I am in the middle of a place that I don't know the name of, which is in the middle of nowhere, using a dial-up connection. O_< THAT is...
Imposter!!! LAST TIME I CHECKED, YOU WEREN'T MIKE!!! IMPOSTER!!! JK!!! BUT I WILL NOW DO THE SAME THING NOW AS I DID ON MSN LAST NIGHT!!! ALL CAPS!!! NEON GREEN TEXT!!! BOLD, ITALIC, AND UNDERLINE!!! WITH THREE EXCLAMATION POINTS AT THE END OF EVERY SENTENCE!!! JK. I wouldn't do that to you... But I already did!!! Back on-topic: I am SOOOO happy that I got a part! I didn't think that my Riku was all that good, but hey! Looks like I was wrong! And pleasantly so!
OMFG!!! I GOT RIKU!!! AND UNDERSTUDY FOR AXEL!!! WOOHOO!!! *runs off another cliff, but the power of happiness and glee makes me fly back up and i run in another direction* NOT TODAY!!! Great job, everyone! I hope that those who didn't get a part will get one soon, even if it's not on this. @Mike: I guarantee that I will do more than my best! Great job! And since when are you doing Demyx?
Oh! lmao I feel stupid now. :P I don't think that I can do the slicing part, but the HTML placing I can do. My program is crap and...