Laughs at incredibly long falling wall of text. xD Sorry 'bout that. What a thing to go online to....
Thanks for the help, man. I really appreciate it! I know that I don't sound as good in this one as I might be able to, but I've been stressed a...
Hold on a sec. I want your honest to God opinion. Did I do all that bad? I keep getting spammed with PMs that say that I need to just give up...
God! I'd forgotten how random it can get in here. *looks for soft pillows to hide under* You guys just act like I'm not here, 'kay? *burrows deeper into pillows*
Thanks. Seriously, thanks a lot! I think it goes without saying that I prefer compliments over bashing. :P But yeah... Thanks a lot for the...
Yeah, I'm effectively ignoring him right now. Don't let him get to you.
Well, normally, I'd probably start bashing you right back. But, seeing as one of my friends has already posted here, (which means that they will...
I would join one, if we had any videos or trailers that had voices in them to base the characters' voices off of. If we were to do a radioplay or...
It's okay, I guess. You talked me down out of my panic attack, so I'll give you a break... This time, that is... xP Well, college teachers...
Okay, okay. That was unnecessary. Well, I hope that you get better soon, okay? Swine flu would suck bad. But did you hear? There was a...
You phail. When did I say that you could get sick? Yes. I think that I will give you a PH in every subject this semester. Yes, missy, that...
Organization Misfits... Dead? ;_; Hey, come on, guys! Is Organization Misfits dead now?! I say that I want to start posting more and you all stop? That's just not right... This place is usually hard to keep up with, and yet there's only two replies since my last one! UNACCEPTABLE!!! You will all start posting. Now.
Hey, Fady!!!!
Wow, this was posted sooooooooooooooo long ago, but what the hell, huh? I am totally a "lurker." I never post, (points at low/non-existent post count), but I read and laugh/react to almost everything that I see. I like it that way. xP Now, what exactly does that mean? I want a suit! I want one! Gimme! Gimme now! I want a black and purple one! With weird, red arms! Like, like... Like RIKU!!! Yeah! *passes out from hyperventilating* *wakes up a couple minutes later* What'd I miss? ((O_O)) Anyway, I had to focus on a Mike's fandub for 358/2 Days, (y'know, the one on the homepage). I will probably be sucked away from other things again soon, but whatever. I'll deal. Dx I hope not, though... I want to get to know you guys better. Especially Sai and burnitup. =D You guys are funny. *giggles, then clamps hand over mouth* I can't believe that I just giggled. OMG. I'm gonna die. Also, seeing as I am always RPing in my posts, anyway, I think that we should do an RP with a program that I know of. I'll leave a link to the homepage of this program and you guys tell me what you think of it. 'Kay? CLICK. HERE. There ya go. Now, it's time to end this falling wall of text with a picture...
Before I go, I want to introduce you to something cool... If you want, we can start a KH roleplay on a free game engine that I know of. Have you...
Yays! Fady's back! And now that I've said that, I gotta go to bed! But it's less surprising that I'm tired and going to bed now than if you...
Fady!!! Dx You already logged off?! WTF?! That's soooooooooooooooooooooo strange of you! Come on! It's only 10:06 You should still be on!!!...
I liked that one too... Did you read the caption? It basically says how it makes me feel. Wait. Not basically. TOTALLY. There we go...
I like pictures of random things. I am off to redo my Axel lines, but you should check out my new album. It has some pretty funny/cool images in...