Crushing, falling WALL OF TEXTY DOOM down below, Fady!
My old PS2 is a piece of something-that-I-won't-say-now. I tried to use my Swap Magic, (it lets you play, say, Japanese region games on your...
I think I'm going to go hack KH2:FM now. Talk to you later, 'kay?
Yeah... Sure... JK!!! Don't kill me!
Fady! I'm disappointed! A sammich is another word for a sandwich! I said it on Skype the first time and you said, "Nyu! It's 'sandwich!'" and...
Do I get a cookie, Fady? ._.
I posted in one of those threads!!! I'm special now. In fact, I'm so special that I'm going to... GO MAKE A HAM SAMMICH!!!...
"Second best?" Ummm... I always thought that Riku and Kairi were kinda equal in terms of "best friends." I was under the impression that neither of them were better than the other. Well, sure, Sora and Kairi kinda have a "thing," but in terms of friendship, aren't they all pretty equal? Like, Sora doesn't like Riku more than Kairi and Kairi doesn't like Sora more than Riku. That kind of thing. Is anybody getting this?
Oh, and by the way, what do you search for when your current activity says, "Searching Forums?" I need something to do...
Well, I didn't expect you to know about it. It sucks. :P
Well, yeah! That's 'cause Quinton Flynn is boss. No doubt about it. I can't expect to "match" him! He's been doing stuff like this for years!...
That would be messed up if he "disappeared" again. I would die. I can't do Axel that well! In fact, I am really surprised that Mike picked me...
I wanted to ask him about if I'm doing Axel now, seeing as Bacon apparently showed. Do you know?
Hey, Fady! You know if Mike will be on later?
Fady! Come on! We need you on MSN!!! You can find time, right? We're your friends... Waves a hand in your face. You will come to our MSN...
Well, now that I've logged on, I'm going to go take a nap. I'm tired all of a sudden. Later, I guess...?
Yeah, but rabid dogs aren't funny... O_< JK
Sorry 'bout that. Couldn't resist it!
BEGONE, STRESSFUL FIEND!!! I am working on making a Kingdom Hearts Pivot animation series. Why? BECAUSE I CAN!!! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ARGUE WITH...
FADY!!! You doing any better?