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  1. Ol'Sephy
    *notices Death Note*

    Is that...?

    *falls over, holding chest*

    Not... Fair...


    *spirit comes back to haunt you forever!!!!!*

    Ha! You can't get rid of me! You are forever doomed to put up with my stupid, random comments, foolish remarks, and sweaty armpits!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    *gets pulled off the physical plane of existence by a strong, spiritual wind*

    Nyu! I'll be back, burnitup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, May 10, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Ol'Sephy
  3. Ol'Sephy
    *jumps in flight path of spears*

    NYU! Don't hurt poor Sai! There is no feud between you! Embrace the similarities that you have and... And...

    Ooh! I found a nickel!

    *picks up nickel*

    Post by: Ol'Sephy, May 10, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Ol'Sephy
  5. Ol'Sephy
  6. Ol'Sephy
  7. Ol'Sephy
    Then why is there a section up above that says "Xehanort's Apprentice" in the "lines" area?
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, May 8, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  8. Ol'Sephy
    Thanks! I appreciate it!
    Profile Post by Ol'Sephy for fadedphantom, May 7, 2009
  9. Ol'Sephy
  10. Ol'Sephy
    Argh!!! Awesomeness!!!

    Nope! Don't change a thing! I love it! Thank you so much!!!!

    ( : : ) Cookie for you. :P
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, May 6, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  11. Ol'Sephy
    What exactly is a "dump" when refering to the post in which you explain how to use this program, Carey? I'm getting into coding and saw this, so I think I'll ask. Or am I getting in way over my head? Is this stuff really, uber advanced?


    Oh, and what does "DMA" stand for?
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, May 6, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Ol'Sephy
    ( : : )

    Cool! Thanks!

    (There's a cookie in the title for you!)
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, May 6, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  13. Ol'Sephy
    Awww. Really? That's too bad... I'll find another one and edit this post...


    Here's another image. It's exactly what I wanted from the box art, so there we go!


    Post by: Ol'Sephy, May 6, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  14. Ol'Sephy
    Siggy, maybe?

    Hey! Quick signature request...

    Here's my request form thingy...

    That's about it! Thanks in advance!

    - Ol'Sephy
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, May 6, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  15. Ol'Sephy
    Does Xehanort's Apprentice even have any lines in the trailer?
    Post by: Ol'Sephy, May 6, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  16. Ol'Sephy
  17. Ol'Sephy
  18. Ol'Sephy
  19. Ol'Sephy
  20. Ol'Sephy