Thanks for the comment, Atira! I hope that the rest of the production sounds as good as the teaser did! xD
Your Majesty, King of Kings, sir! We have received a message from the Moon, sir! She says that... Oh, God no. She's refusing to turn blood red and show her face until the Tournament is over. Stupid b**** of a Moon! We can't do the Tournament until she shows her face! We're screwed! On the plus side, there is good news. I am now immortal. I am invulnerable until after the Tournament is over, (as per the Ruler of the Lifestream). So, if the Tournament never happens... Hehehehe... I will perform a coup and overthrow burnitup as the King of Kings! What's the worst thing that could happen? I'll get killed? Ha! That's impossible now! Oh, crap. I take that back. I just thought of something that could happen. *does a little dance and starts playing a really crappy mandolin* A song for you, Your Majesty? (Maybe he didn't hear me? I'll distract him with my antics as the newly appointed Royal Jester...)
It's an audio file. I am not going to make a video for a while yet. Well, the Prologue is just me. It's supposed to be read by a character who...
I just finished making the Prologue for the radioplay!!! It's EPIC. I may release a version of it as a teaser to show that stuff is being done...
OMFG I AM AWESOME. You wanna know why? Huh? Do ya?!
I'm going to start recording now, seeing as I have a million times more than you to do. xP Have fun "searching forums!" LOL JK
Y'see! That is why we all love you, Fady. You are reliable. And, when you can't be, you let us know! I will move the deadline up to Sunday,...
Oh, and check your e-mail. I sent the first set of instructions. You get a solo!
There's another meaning, but I'm going to send you an e-mail with the meaning. You and I would get shunned by the members who saw what I wrote....
Wait, do you even know what "bishy" means?
I'm not Kawaii, then. I'm bishy. =D Awwww... I wish... T_T I can think of a really funny joke to make about that word, too, but I think I'll...
I, uh, got a question for you. And you'd think that I'd get it by now, seeing as I have many people with whom I have contact who would know......
Oh, yeah. And I'm going to send you and the other members who landed parts some requests soon in your respective e-mails. Be prepared for those!
Well, you were the only one for Adrian, (5yo), and Riku, (8yo), really. Sora was really hard to decide. I was almost tempted to choose the other...
I will, of course, still say "sammich." I'll just sensor it out with asterisks when I'm saying it around you. I actually don't have the...
You must embrace the use of the word "sammich," Fady. It will increase your overall happiness. DO IT. Or you phail in all subjects. Wait a...
All hail! The King of Kings! But can he really rule over such a massive kingdom? Is he really all that powerful? We shall see... In the Awesomeness Tournament of Awesomeness!!! The Tournament will be held at midnight of the night when the moon is blood red and has an actual face on it. That means that it is ready to watch the games! They will take place in whatever location the moon happens to be looking on that particular night. DO YOU ACCEPT? Oh, and by the way, I'm back. I made a deal with the Almighty Ruler of the Lifestream that let me come back to this plane of existence and bother you some more. I am also incapable of being killed until after the Tournament is over. I can be horribly maimed, though, if it makes you feel better. O_<
Has this been ported to U/C NTSC? I can't get my copy of Final Mix working with any codes, so I was wondering if anybody could port this if it hasn't been already. xP Please tell me that it would work! Thanks in advance!
Yeah, I just discovered how to edit how my profile looks in terms of color and the like. You're profile was my inspiration! Man, I keep just...
'Ello, Atira!