Blargh. I want to play KH2:FM on my computer, (via emulator), but my computer is epically slow and I would need to somehow get a BIOS file,...
Okay. I can't sleep. D= I'm now sad. ): So, I think that I'll stay up and annoy you some more... I hope. xP
NO DISCIPLINE!!! Haha JK And, in no way am I angry at you for putting your life and responsibilities before a production. Even if it is mine....
Well, don't push yourself too hard, Fady! I'd hate to have to ban you from KHV so you can focus! xP JK I wouldn't do that even if I could......
Wowzers. Great job, I guess... *sniffs* But couldn't you have told me about how they were casting? You've told me about Queen of Hearts, but I...
Well, when you put it like that, how can I refuse? In fact, you've piqued my curiosity! Please! Do tell!
I was in one when I was in Ukiah, at around 11 years old. My bed ended up in the middle of the room before I was even all the way awake!...
Wow! Earthquakes rock. Haha, no pun intended there, huh?
Me back on. =D
Not too bad, there, Roxas -- I mean Jesse -- Oops! I mean Mike. xP Yeah, that's kinda getting old. Have you started being nice and cool and...
Oh, and also... [/massive, falling walls of text]
Poor Fady. I feel for ya. You'll get through this! I'm rooting for ya! Now, I think I'll go play Final Fantasy XII. I've been talking about...
Fady, I'm kinda having a hard time typing when the font color of your comment area is the same as the background... Oh. Nevermind. It just...
Okay, pardon a poor noob and deprived loser, but what is this, "fourth wall?" I saw a comic book panel that strangely reminded me of one of my friends in real life, but that's about the only clue that I've gotten so far. WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?! Okay, that's it for now.
Ow! What the sh*t, man? That still hurts! *pulls out bullet and looks at it* Why would you shoot your own Royal Jester?! And, by the way, Acme Brand doesn't make the best Anti-Immortal Bullets... As is now obvious by how ineffective this one was on me. Try Omega Brand. It'll cost you an arm and a leg, but it's worth it! You'll be making pink mist out of immortal people's heads in no time. I recommend the hollow-points. Highly effective at close or long range... Ah, sh*t. I just gave you advice on how to kill me, didn't I? *pulls out a small device with a red button on it* I think that I'll use this device now. A street vendor sold it to me! He said, "Press that button to go where nobody can touch you. Very good if somebody is about to kill you!" *presses button* Good bye, m'lord! I will now be safe from -- BOOM. ((Damn street vendor...))
Your Majesty, the King of Kings! It is apparent that I am not one of "your immortals," which are "different." I cannot be killed by anything! However... I can be stabbed, ran over, dismembered, castrated, (please don't), ground up into little pieces, or otherwise horribly maimed, but, I assure you, I will survive. I will heal the wounds. If it would normally be instantly lethal, then... Let's not think about that, shall we? I can also juggle, if Your Majesty would wish to see...? *pulls out two chainsaws, a large kitchen knife, and a small thermo-nuclear warhead with a blast radius of about five feet* Shall I begin, m'lord?
I know that this is just a hobby for everyone. It's just that I really have nothing else to do right now. I don't have school, I don't have a...
Slackers are awesome. And don't let anyone tell you different! =D Well, I should get going to sleep, too. I've finished my part of the section...
I'm getting all impatient for the parts to get sent in, but I know that I just started the production! Gah! I'll never make it through without...
'Sup, Fady?