Personally I love Valor Form, it's so fast and fun!
You should try it, it's pretty fun! =D
I found Kurt Zisa to be really easy, as long as that ****** Aladin isn't in your party, Sephiroth isn't as hard as everybody says. Lol I did beat Ice Titan without the gaurd ability it was pretty hard. Oh and the reason Phantom was the worst was because of he was annoying not hard!
Maybe in KH3 we'll get to fight the human Xehanort?
Alright they're not one of the worst in the history, but a wery bad anyway :\
It's an RTS (Real Time Strategy) game from 1997 people still think about it as the best RTS ever created!
Well, I guess I could just aswell just play my mobile version if I want a portable GH
Good for you
Ya srsly!
Zexion is just that awesome emo guy... Awesome!
So you are the lord of the Spam Zone?
I thought this was one of your pro days! :3
Some pretty good videos, I loved the 1st and 2nd =D
Yes, yes I am
Use the forum jump down in the right corner and you're done =D
Sure I'll be your friend =D
Hi there! Have fun, check out the rules and enjoy yourself. If you need any help just ask. We're all friendly.
Yeah but at the same time Kratos is now in control of the strings of fate so he can change Dante's fate!
I loved this movie, one of my favorite Pixar's ever I love it that much!