I'll probably play Xaldin the most, he's just awesome
So Namine is also made from a part of Sora's soul? That's pretty awesome =D
Kitty is totally awesome
Because he cheated death apperently :p But yeah if he didn't die then Sora probably would, so then it might have been the end of the series!
I've been at school already...
I am your lord and master >:0
Mmm cookies... Hello and welcome to KH-Vids hope you have fun here =D
Yeah it was Ansem... But I have no idea what that part had to do with anything :\
Yeah I can't wait to play Cloud Kart or Golf :P But anyway the series has been selling less and less each game, but they are still selling godly =D
I think that ICSP might be right about it being Ven, Aqua, and Terra chasing Master Xehanort =D
So, what's up?
Yes I've been in Disneyland it was heaps of fun!
So Shinra from FFX-2 created The Shinra that is in FFVII? Pretty interesting read, but why did nobody mention Sin in FFVII? Did they forget about him?
Oh that's to bad you seemed like a nice girl, well atleast you're coming back later =)
Well hello and welcome back, I hope we get to know each other =D
No he would only be justified if the Nobodies and Heartless are killed =D
I would never ever sell my KH copy! >:0
I got blocked out most of yesterday...
This is also what Assassins Creed's ending is about...