They could just make Sora and the others data bosses for no reason what so ever :P
Anime, it's moving =O But seriously I have no idea why I love it more :\
Wow that seems awesome, think about all the magic you could use :P
Maybe they liked how the cloaks looked?
Castle Oblivon is probably one of the best places in any KH game!
I've never met you but still welcome back =D
HaynetteLarxelLurker and yes I did just pick a random H member on the "Who visited this site list"
I would say that none of the games in the series are really hard/long so try the game again!
Yeah I love doing that, they never think about jumping up on it :P
Yeah it's worth every dollar it costs, it's that awesome
Yeah I did also low "Now that we're on a first-name basis, don't be dying on me!" by Axel =D
So when Riku and Roxas was fighting, why didn't Roxas take back his keyblade when he like lost... :0
I have it, it's the probably the best Star Wars ever created =D
Wow Battle against Riku is probably gonna be fun =D No voices? :\
Le gasp???
Wait, you know what me favorite is actually The Final Form!!!
So that he doesn't need to kill them over and over and over again... :\
ye dun't mak fun of meh :( Just kidding :p
Nah Axel killed like everybody in that last blast while Sora is to much of an sissy to do it :P
Maybe he can only one water clone out? That would suck...