yeah, you don't do any damage before it's over but then it comes in a big blow =D
Well FFX's battle syster added playable summons (aeons) and damage went up to 99999 :0
Wow those are awesome dude even if the second one doesn't work :\.
Wow this game is really looking awesome, I'm looking forward to it! Great work so far Forsaken
:guns: A one man army
I don't think so cosidering that DMC4 came out last month :\
Srsly !
Wow, that's awesome =O
Of course everybody can see that you're 100% pure EVIL!!!
Stop trolling >=( Nah just kidding =P 1337
Oh man I want those figurines D:
Yeah, I hope to see Castle Oblivion back in KH3
For the couples that are in the game I choose: Kairi x Sora
WTF does that have to do with anything?
Wow that's awesome, I'll download it later today :P
You don't have to know it's already been answered by roxaz "his power is down maybe? like after defeat Org XIII, like demyx, after Sora Beat him at Hollow Bastion, his weapon is disappear, remember?"
Yeah it's only out in Japan, but it's still worth buying =D
Kairi, Namine, Tifa, Garnet, Rinoa and Lulu
Yeah, Slipknot is pretty good there are bands I think are way better though
Xemnas x Kairi Xemnas is such a pervert :0