Sora- is that what Leon meant when he said you were a dickwad? Leon - sora don't say dickwad. And Cloud, go to- Sora- hopscotch! Leon- *facepalm*
Laguna- oh! Well in that case, thanks! Pleasure to meet ya!
You didn't have to cut me off! Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing. I don't even need your love, but you treat me like a...
Vexen- I see. And when did you start noticing these things?
Mkay. Hey! Guess what!
Those cops have been outside our window for a while. Its about time they left!
Leon- and I don't? For your information, I used to not be single until the heartless swallowed my world and my girlfriend, unlike you whose never had one! Sora - eeep! Burn!
Laguna- ..... is..... that sarcasm?
Whatever. Hey! You seem quite shy but you're oh so cute and I'm the kinda girl that would love to be yours if you'd ask ME to so just take a...
Vexen- That's not how doctors work! The patient has to explain whats wrong in order for the doctor to make a diagnosis!
Cuz 'oui' is so hard. :P I'm sure you learned from Beauty and the Beast, non?
Laguna- Laguna Loire! President of Esthar!
Vexen- you're not being very specific.
Yes. Does that answer your question? :P Apparently I can't speak French around you!
Laguna- I'm back again! Mostly because Esthar is under siege and if I stay I could get assassinated. Hi! *to Zack* who are you?
Demy- smarter than Vexen. *in Vexens lab* Vexen- whats wrong Luxord?
Vexen- To the lab! Demy- lol! Vexie sounds like Jimmy Neutron!
Vexen- I can't help you if you don't tell me whats wrong. Demy- he has a point Luxord, he really always was smarter than you.
Vexen- fine. But you will tell me what is wrong, and that 5000 munny will go towards your medical fee. *smug face*
Demy- oooooooo! Torched! Vexen- Luxord, whats the problem?