Teehee. And then- there are the two sexiest guys in FF, if only for their incredibly goofy and straight up hot personalities and nothing more......
Laguna- aw man, really? Most people find me irritating and annoying like, the people we just interrupted with our pointless banter were probably in the middle of doing something REALLY important and probably want to tear my head off right now.
What about single-sleeved, skintight, black sweaters? *raises eyebrows*
Sora- *breaks free* he said you're a cross dresser and Tifa likes to role play. Leon- Cid is a dickwad.
I know. :) and I am ALL over that shiz. Its smexy.
Laguna- no problem!
Demy- note cards? Vexen- use Demyx as the bait. Like last time. Demy- I just want the feel of precious paper rectangles in my pocket...
I like Squall cuz hes not perfect. Even without his scar he isn't THE MOST good looking guy in Balamb. And Zell isn't bad, I guess. Neither of...
Sora- wellllll Cid pointed it out. Leon- and you listen to him? Hes the one that started those rumors about- Sora- that you wear mascara? Leon- no, about- Sora- that Cloud loses weight by having- Leon- *covers Soras mouth with his hand* shut up, Sora! Sora- *mumbles something into Leon's hand*
Demy- *puppy dog eyes at Marluxia* note cards?
I like the ones that are kinda "rough around the edges" or whatever. Irvines FLAWLESS! no man should be prettier than his girlfriend! Poor Selphie...
Hes pretty though. And you know I don't care much for the "pretty" type. :P
Demy- do I need them again? Vexen- some things never change........
Me too. But still, its perfect for fantasies.... oh em gee, the title finally makes sense! :P But c mon. Id even go for a little Irvine-ness now...
Laguna- I'm gonna wish you good luck, because I'm not sure how much of it you'll need.
Vexen- you mean you don't want to be the center of attention for once? I'll go along with it. Demy- oooh! Can I be the one with the notecards again?
You can't find guys liked that in the wild..... :( I just want a guy with Laguna's goofy personality, Squall's devilishly handsome looks, Zack's...
Sora- I think its the long hair and the scar. And the leather. Eeesh. Leon- e-excuse me?!!!!
Laguna- you should befriend my son Squall. My theory is is that if he had more friends he wouldn't be so grouchy.
You should check out mine. :P Aha, you and your Zack/Vincent/Irvine/etc obsession. <3