I can pm you, but I can't really text 2nite cuz I can't be on the internets and text at the same time, and I got a bunch of stuff going on in all...
Leon- no. Answer Sofas question.
Think about how great Joey would be at that part!
Nice. My phones overheating and I should probably turn it off at this point, but I just can't.
Vexen- repliku, will you take that munny and deposit it in the bank of Zexions a$$? Demy- I don't believe Vexen just said that...
Sora- so you never wore a dress?
Duh! I'm Violet, you're Jack Jack, and Joeys frozone.
Laguna- I got lost on my way to Galbadia. Ended up in Esthar. And then on my way back to Winhill. Then again on my journey to find Ellone... and then there was the time-
More like incredibly! :)
Vexen- here, take another hundred munny, repliku.
I won't let another minute go to waste! I want you and your beautiful soul! Lolol
Laguna- *to Snow* it cramps up when I get nervous.... *to Zack* good question. I'm here cuz I got lost...... again...
Don't we just? :) I don't want another pretty face....
Well, about 4 hours ago there was a police car outside my window, and the lights were making it impossible to sleep, and they were there for like...
Vexen- my replica is not stupid. Here, repliku, have 100 munny.
That's cuz yer my Irvie and I'm yer Sefie! Lol
So what, like: I agree to not mention Dr. Who ~pipedownandlisten Something like that? Laguna- yeah........ ow! My leg.... it still gets all cramped up sometimes....
Your Vfusion juice? :P I think there are plenty of other ships that beat us. Even Zell×Library Girl.
Sora- a dickwad who seems to know a lot of things about a lot of people. Leon- *laughing* Sora, don't say dickwad.
Zack×Aerith Laguna×Raine the best final fantasy ships EVERRR