Hi! How are ya?
Sora- Heh Heh... *puts fish in his ginormous pocket* whats up, Riku?
Sora- hey Riku! Look! I caught a fish! Oops. *drops fish*
Laguna- *shoots at unversed* what kind of monsters ARE these?!
Oooo! I totally call dibs on sora! Sora: *at destiny islands playing in the ocean*
Laguna- *takes out machine gun*
Demy+Vexen- *snicker*
Sora- *whispers to Leon* hes not denying anything... Leon- *forces self not to laugh*
Laguna- watch out!
Demy- Luxord knows a lot about Zexy...
Sora- were you saving her while roleplaying? Is that what the lengerie was for? Leon- *wiping tears from his eyes* okay Sora. I think its time to quit.
Laguna- Whoah! What was that?!
Love that.
Laguna- eeesh. That doesn't sound too good either.
Demy- you should read Harry Potter. Vexen- or some real literature. Like the complete works of Mark Twain. Demy- *snickers* or Edgar Allen Poe...
Sora- and lengerie? Was that really necessary? Leon- *pffffffffft!"
Laguna- I wouldn't say that's really winning...
Me too. *umbridge's mom's voice* he was sent from a-heaven abuv.
I'm way ahead of ya, boy. :P
Me too. I've just seen a face of the farming place that I have lived on forty years starting when I was forty. Yes yes yes yes yes yes