Well, nothing IMPORTANT at least.... :P
I understand.
That's unfortunate. I haven't finished it yet, but I love it. :)
Yeah, I'm kinda in love with FF8, but not many other people like it.
Demy- what dilemma?
The one I'm writing now is for Final Fantasy 8. Its a Squall×Rinoa×Seifer love triangle
Yeah, me too
That's awesome! My parents aren't as nice. Banks are closed for the rest of the day and it took me all afternoon to finish my chores. But...
Not much. I'm just writing a bunch of fanfiction.
Good for yew! I'll probably get over it eventually. The sooner the better, huh?
I haven't yet. Might get it tomorrow
Ya'know.... I'm not really all that into Queen. Actually, I honestly don't like Queen. EXCEPT. I do like "We Are the Champions." In fact, its one of my favorites.
Something like that. :P
I'm faaaaaan-freaking-tastic! How bout you?