Helloooo! Welcome 2 the forums!
Helloooo! Welcome 2 the forums! Your gonna LOVE it here! I know I have! DUUUUUUDE, what's up! LOL! I know boys say this, but 2 me its pretty cool! :D
Hellooooo! Welcome to the forums! You'll have LOTS of fun here! :D Post-ALOT!
Welcome! Hope u have fun here! By the way, I love Shugo Chara! But mostly I love Souleater!
Hello! Welcome!
Welcome to the forums! I hope u have a great time here! I know I have! And I'm so PSYCHED that KH RE: Chain of Memories is FINALLY coming out in North America! DUUUUUUDE! :D I know boys are supposed to say this ,but to me it sounds TOTALLY cool!
Whats up, jk!?
Oh! Thank u! Thanks! I like urs 2! ok.... Thanks!
Yeah! I know! I just found out! This is soo AWESOME! When do u think is the confirmed release date?
Thanks! I also am fond of j-pop 2! Do you know Every Heart by BoA? And I love you by Utada? By the way, I LOVE your avatar and signature! They r soo AWESOME!
Hellooo! Welcome 2 the AWESOME forums of KH-Vids.Net! I hope u have an AWESOME time here! (Sorry! I'm used 2 saying AWESOME these days.) By the way, I soo TOTALLY LOVE your avatar and signature!
Hiya! How r u all doing? It's very nice to meet you all! I'm a fan of KH and Souleater. Why? Cuz they r AWESOME! I'm also into the music of BoA and Utada.