Lol I love you XD
I think part of my brain died. I blame you. Stop posting threads!
Aaah! @-@ I'm totally anti-energy saving/recycling/environmentalist. Why GrimDark? That sounds lame.
Me too :\ Or I just end up talking more and I have to make myself shut up.
Same here. I mostly start ranting like a movie critic about things people say they like.
Lol, that's good XD I always get nervous when I talk to new people ^^;
Lol, kewl c:
Never seen 'em before ^^;
I tried :\ Still won't work D:
Please don't say that ._. It will make me not want to use the skin that doesn't burn my eyes.
Lol that's hilarious.
trying to modify my sig the way I want it D:
Lol. What's up?
:=D: c: .
YAYAY! *jumps for joy*
I know, right? Blue looks great c:
; ;
I like the sweet kind 8D
Cake is good c:
The white does hurt my eyes... Erm... I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or not XD I'm going to for a day. if I don't like it, I'll switch back.