I don't download on this computer.
Av: 7/10 Sig: 7/10
My computer doesn't have mspaint. :c Idk how to screenshot and paste now...
Lol not the picture, no. XD 'Tis my friend Jannine. We share the youtube account, she makes most of our videos. I am obsessed with Fight Club atm, so I made that one. Didn't want to put it on my main account, so I put it on that one.
Has to bring up my many flaws ; ;
At least I post to the right. And change my text color everyday.
Wants to find Sparta.
Yes. That banner would look great omg.
Likes being invisible.
I try way too hard ; ; I even have a third account just for video game videos and cutscenes and miscellaneous things.
Has a sig.
Noticed I copied :c
Has a gif of a man snorting a cat.
Keyblade Spirit, you're making me want to punch a baby.
Just put a thumbs up in their post.
I know the feeling. During summer I tend to get into a day-sleep, and night-awake pattern. Oh God Keyblade Spirit is making me want to go punch a...
I didn't think it would be very good. I don't go for hype usually, and I am super picky about movies XD Is cool
; ; Love you too
Awe, too bad :c I'm alright. My insomnia just up and left, and I feel great after having slept for real without Benedryl. How are you?
I have 2 accounts, and I used to have more vids on that one. Most of my subscribers are from my main account. XD