Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Paint If it's not on your desktop.
I'm alright. How are you?
I don't have mspaint. Does that mean I'm gonna die? :why?:
You too ^^ Sleep tight :]
I took myself off of invisible a few days ago for this very reason.
Same. I was just about to actually. ^^;
Yeah, but he fried my good half ; ; Oh well XD What's up?
Is located in KHV
Ok c: i do need to redownload mspaint somehow though.
is a member from '06.
No joke. I think I lost half of my brain reading his threads.
He posted a thread about watching his cousin sleep, and said she looked hot sleeping and he wanted a McFlurry and he remem- Oh God... the fact...
Has 579 posts,
But I want to die. ; ;
gif exceeds file size.
I have word and powerpoint @-@ I can't copy, paste, and save images using word and powerpoint though. Idk why there's no paint... it's Vista.
Oh no :why?:
Same problem :\ That's the first thing I tried.
Is cheerful.
I still can't save the image to my computer.