Indeed I did. Got ninja'd
Is my friend.
I love how you say tempsister instead of cousin to make it sound better.
^^; Hello
I don't recall him calling you unintelligent.
I hate Microsoft too.
Has a defective shoop da woop in their sig. I am on KHV. That should be a good explanation of why I'm scared.
Is sleepy.
I have no clue honestly ^^; Sorry :c
My friend Patrick does that 8D
I host a show on MTV on Saturday mornings, and I work at gamestop.
Dislikes grammar Nazis.
I'm just an English freak :c Is awesome.
I can't stand bad grammar/not knowing words/bad spelling and stuff like that. It's irritating that he doesn't know what an optimist is. Is disappointed.
You don't know what an optimist is? it's the opposite of a pessimist. Just look it up ._. Is cool.
Not me.
Yepyep ^^
Oh XD Sorry 'bout that D:
I hear that sleep can be a good remedy for tired ^^;