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  1. Peace and War
    Finish the sentence. There is only one right answer!
    Thread by: Peace and War, Nov 2, 2013, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Peace and War
    Making tools to allow for font size change is a partial nightmare for developing since the text in game, apart from subtitles, are not like text documents, they're more than likely pictures and you can't change text in a picture that's been formatted as such. And it would cost a lot of money to solve said problem, considering not many people don't have a HDMI TV, they've been around for over ten years after all.
    I don't think ACII's pickpocket system was great since you had to run away every time you pickpocketed someone or you'd get noticed by everyone and would either fight civilians or guards, and it wasn't that important since you could only get money (which was easy to get after a while) whilst now you can get ammo for stuff and items to craft or sell on. I've seen some videos, and I don't think it takes that long.
    And why aren't you free running if you're getting across the map? Fast walking is only good to kind of stealth walk, kinda.
    Post by: Peace and War, Nov 2, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  3. Peace and War
    If I have to somehow reason why The Last of the Mohicans represents *insert buzzword here* one more time I will tomahawk this desk!
    Thread by: Peace and War, Nov 2, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Peace and War
    My point was that fans are not an impartial source to argue the goods and bads of a game. I'm not saying fans are mindless, that's a bit of a leap from that statement I made, but I am saying that communities as a whole do not make a convincing, unbiased argument for the product they like.

    I'm sure there are Twilight fans who could argue with me about the merits of the films and positives and why they like it whilst still pointing out its abundant flaws, but it is a rare thing to simply find a fan on the internet who doesn't love something and has trouble reasoning and convincing others why, because more often than not they're drowned out by the rest of the fan base screaming love and admiration for it, even though I find the films to be awful.
    I remember recently the back lash old Start Trek fans had about the recent rebooted films, about the inaccuracies of the universe, the casting and the characterisation changes of some characters. I, however, coming to the film series for the first time, really liked the Start Trek film. I also know a few Trekkies, one in real life and a few online who liked the new film and gave me reasons why its good. The sequel had a woman in bra and panties or something and the fan base kicked up a fuss about sexism in the film, and how Star Trek films have ruined the entire universe. The fans I know told me it wasn't a big part of the movie and was narrative significant (still haven't seen the sequel) and have since warned me to avoid the Trekkie fan base because of their bias and nostalgia related enjoyment of the old series vs the new.
    I also remember the bias of Devil May Cry fans, who hated the rebooted DmC game by Ninja Theory, claiming it was completely bad and utterly terrible compared to the past games and so on. However, from reviewers and people I know who have played it, found the game to be good, not perfect but enjoyable. I've since played a bit of the game, and I've agreed that it is good, and would want to play more of it when I have the inclination for a slash em up.

    Maybe it's just rebooted things that get the **** storm from the fan bases and cause distorted generalisations, but i've just seen too many Xbox or PS fans arguing irrelevant points and believing what they like is better without a convincing argument behind it to listen to fans. Does it mean I ignore fans opinions? No, I just take it with a pinch of salt and scepticism.

    In actual answer to your question, I can't explain why I love KH, because in my brain I know it's kinda... not **** but sort of ******. I mean, we've got games on every system since the PS2 era for a new game, with a plot that is made up as it goes along, a cheesy arse script and repeated level designs (KH1, KH CoM, KH Coded all have the same world! GAH!). The pros I guess are fun combat systems, a weird yet good crossover of franchises, good voice acting and... it kinda looks nice? There are more cons than pros in my head, and yet I still love it. Dunno why. I think I might be a 'junkie' in the sense that I still buy the games over and over wthout questioning its quality till far too late. I would probably rate it unfairly, i'd give it a higher score thna it deserves, because I'd want people to play it and experience it as well as hopefully boost sales and get more games to be made in the series.

    See above about my relationships with fan bases.
    Post by: Peace and War, Nov 2, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Peace and War
    I could be wrong but if you're not using a HDMI lead, and instead a component cable, the things like text, brightness and such will be of a lesser quality. I mean, for a start, HDMI is the standard, using something less than that is obviously going to dip the quality, and in all honesty, if your HDD TV has a HDMI port, you should really get a lead for it, they cost like £3 over here, i'm betting America has them for like $5 or so, it's worth the cheap upgrade to get a better quality on your screen. The last time I heard about an issue like this was with the original Dead Rising, where the text was super small if playing on an SDTV. I really think it's a part of this whole component cable issue.

    Travelling is most of AC's world, has been since the first really, i'm not sure what's different about this one, unless you mean the ship is slow or something. The pickpocketing sounds exactly like III's, which is very similar to the first game, and it's much easier to not get caught with this system than the Ezio pickpocketing, who would ALWAYS realise their money was stolen. I'd be surprised if there are many instance where you have to pickpocket in the game.

    The modern day bits have never been entertaining or central for many, and I think Ubi have admitted that this time the modern day isn't up to much, it's basically the reason you're in the past and then letting you play in that world. Many people just want to pirate. The only way they could make the modern day more relevant is if they set a more open world playable location, which I don't think they're willing to put resources into. And the reason your in the animus is because you're you basically, as a games tester at Abstergo, trying out a new product which lets you play as Edward, the pirate, before the public can play it. Apart from that bit of press released info, idk anything about the modern day sections.
    Post by: Peace and War, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  6. Peace and War
    This is true, sales equal popularity in most cases on top of the obvious profits, copies produced and other basics. I would argue that popularity, however, does imply people like it, to a degree. Which, like you say shows in sequels, but even that isn't an exact think either.

    Very good read, but this guy is very selective and critical of certain aspects, kind of is skewed and confined points as good as they are. Still, not too many critical reflections on video gaming, take what you can get after all and worth the read.
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 31, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Peace and War
    What an amusing observation, even if it is a lie!
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 31, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Peace and War
    We've come to destroy the spam zone obviously. This is what happens when you don't sate my appetite in Discussion, guys, the hunger must consume elsewhere!

    I'm only annoyed I'm not upping my post count. Because they REALLY matter.
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 31, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Peace and War
    Hayabusa sarcastically claimed that my evidence was invalidated because 'numbers were attached'. He claimed that the validity of numbers was wrong in this argument and brought up that issue, I simply stated I do consider them valid, responding to his claim. I didn't bring up the issue of validation of my own research, actually reading back I think you did.
    You claimed my validity was wrong and nullified because I was using metacritic as evidence to which I said quantitative data (the metacritic review scores) and qualitative data (opinions and experiences on what you've played) are both valid. Metacritic is technically a bridging of both data, of opinions of what a game is worth and numbering it as such, clear qualitative data in the gaming world usually involves sales figures of the games (if people like that game, they buy it), which I also claimed CoD, the best selling franchise of this generation, beat Platinum on. On both fronts, CoD is reviewed better by professionals and the public alike, as well as having much greater sales. That is a valid argument, because "an argument is valid if and only if its conclusion is logically entailed by its premises."

    My points aren't being challenged at the moment, my methods are. Methods should be challenged if there is relevant counter arguments to challenge it. I'd rather someone challenge my points, because that's how discussions can continue and develop into more relevant arguments. But I think both you and Hayabusa have given up, mostly, and I'm waiting for someone to address my points, so I'm just trying to defend my validity in the mean time. Maybe no one will, dunno, but I don't think I should be doing nothing whilst people are claiming i'm wrong. I will continue to defend my argument as long as I am convinced it is right, or until I feel I can not convince the other party it is.
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 31, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Peace and War
    Was just trying to address your claim, I say quantitative and qualitative data are both valid, i'm just using one to counter your point. You can use other evidence to counter mine if you find it.
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 31, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Peace and War
    I'm using the only numerical and standardised quality of games available, limited though it might be it's better than a handful of opinions. Quantitative and qualitative data are both valid.
    And just because some people don't like reviewers doesn't make reviewers redundant, irrelevant or wrong, it also doesn't make my point null simply because you believe it to be null, that's not how opinions and discussions work.
    And that's a bit ignorant to believe people reviewing AAA games are unable to rate indie games, i've seen plenty of reviewers do both, love both, and review them using their same scoring system. I remember one reviewer scoring Arkham Origins the same as Gone Home, and I think Thomas Was Alone scored higher than both for them.
    And the best way to see the quality of a game is by playing it. A game is meant to be played, not hyped up.

    Communities of games consists of fans, who are subjective, biased and, well, fans. I don't know any fan base that can objectively and reliably tell me the pros and cons of a game they love, it's just not done. Twilight communities may love the films, but they're **** films no doubt. CoD's community is terrible, they consist of the most casually offensive and aggressive fans I've had the dishonour to converse with. I would never look at a community to inform me about a game, it has more to dissuade me than convince.
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 30, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Peace and War
    You've named all beat em ups, a sub genre of action. They're not really representative of the action genre as a whole, though.

    So wait, a character action is.... the definition of a standard action game? (according to Wikipedia). It also doesn't sound any different from old school beat em ups apart from the bigger/advanced combos. Genres just seem really bad at explaining a game sometimes, this topic especially isn't very clear, becuase everyone has a different perspective on what is what genre.

    CoD games aren't bad games, they do fast paced FPS very well, they're just a really repeated formula that hasn't changed, which is why they're successful partially, but they do get reviewed well.
    On Metacritic (i'm gonna take the best scores) Modern Warfare and its sequel has 94, Modern Warfare 3 and Black Ops at 88 and Black Ops II (their worst aggregate score) is at 83.
    And Metacritic for Platinum (also their best scores) has only Bayonetta as their 90 game whilst MGS: Revengance is at 82, Wonderful 101 at 78 and Anarchy Reigns at 73.

    Also, comparing the best selling game franchises of this generation and saying P* sells fewer games is an understatement, they've maybe sold 30% give or take of the whole of CoD this gen, ha. It's just a funny idea in my mind, pay no heed to me.

    I'd list some if I played many of them. But Batman Arkham series, Ninja Gaiden II, Yakuza series, Heavenly Sword perhaps or Enslaved.
    X Men Wolverine The Game was surprisingly fun too. I also enjoyed Afro Samurai a lot, has a prelude to the MGS Revengance cutting system.
    All are fun to play, in my mind.
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 30, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Peace and War
    What's left exactly for Action? Beat em ups?
    I think gaming genres are bad categorisations for modern and diverse gaming, though (too many people saying 'It's like a stealth and a FPS with a bit of survival horror and light RPG elements, in the style of zombie survival in space' or stuff like that, seems really cumbersome and not accurate).

    What's a character action exactly?
    Well it is an old genre in some ways, they're games based on beat em ups which have been around for 30 years. I think more studios want to aim for something newer, or perhaps more modern, few action games are purely action games and nothing else, most have something attached to them, adventure, strategy, horror, etc. It's usually just one element of games, Platinum however seems to centre around action and maybe platforming to a point, which aren't modern really, at least not competitively.
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 30, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Peace and War
    Wouldn't say the best, but over the top, creative madness is nice to play with. Just wish their games were longer and had more to them. Can't wait to play Metal Gear Revengance soon thanks to PS+. Looks to be their best, and meatiest.
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 30, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Peace and War
    You prefer a hangover to cold
    I prefer the cold, I have an excuse to snuggle up in bed then.
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Peace and War
    But it does affect the story at multiple points, sure it doesn't affect everything, but there wouldn't be much of a structured narrative if the main characters could stop investigating the case and go back to whatever it is they do in life. Somethings need consistency.
    Also, I liked the twist, it was a bit bull, but I think David Cage has more ambition than sense.
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Peace and War
    Oh American cop stories...

    Give a control freak an inch of power and they shall use it for any minor reason.
    What bad practice, why would a cop be wasting her time watching a lost couple, and arresting them and not actually (I'm presuming her assignment was) patrolling the streets?

    The whole 'can be detained for 24 hours for any reason' is in the cases of possible violators, repeat offenders or like stopping a potential riot, meeting, yadda yadda stuff that is contextual and not as broad as I'm making it. Not for this.

    Rudeness isn't a violation of any law in America as far as i'm aware. Otherwise the prisons would be more than just excessive.
    And I think it was proven that she was a ***** with her harassment.
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 27, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Peace and War
    That seems like the ticket item then, though don't ask me if the price is any good, dollars are not my forte.
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 25, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Peace and War
    Get the one with a screen and a keyboard.

    But serious, what do you want from it? Gaming, Editing, Basic?
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 25, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Peace and War
    The combat system is the same, but with additional gadgets, takedowns, moves, enemy varieties, stuff like that without removing almost any old ones.
    It's almost too much, but the variety is great, playing today it felt like going back to familiar, better ground.
    Post by: Peace and War, Oct 25, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone