Probably the same. Ok, if you really want detail... t plays like any of the 6 main CoD console games released since 2007. Any video i've watched looks exactly like the last game of CoD I played 3 years ago, except with less colourful multiplayer maps, apparently a rehashed pitiful story and an the typical exploitable multiplayer mode housing no scopes, campers and overpowered killstreaks. Whether it's fun or not is another question, considering the story mode of past games has been fairly dull and this has been reviewed with similar results, a multiplayer where the few elite get rewarded and dominate, whilst getting killed within 10 seconds or less of spawning. New aliens mode apparently is a nice twist on Zombies adding something fresh, but i've not heard much so, dunno. Buy at your own discretion. Some people do hate the industry or 'what it's become' so it's not a new thing if someone did.
Battlefield 4. If you own any other CoD game, you own Ghosts. New Battlefield brings more shiny visuals, more vehicles, weapons, more destructible environments, more LEVELUTION!
Thanks. I may sit out on this purely because i don't know any other songs like this and don't think i could do them well enough. Maybe next time.
After 11 then you can ring up your council to complain.
Usually watch V for Vendetta but it's a bit heavy today, not in the mood, so yeah, kind of work and stuff.
Yeah could I also have a bit more clarity on what songs we can sing. Can you give us an example of the type of songs we can do?
So this is a mod for the N64 version of Ocarina Time by the looks of it? Could you give some more info like is there a story or a link to the Zelda universe? Seems interesting.
I'll state now, the original was better than the Re:CoM. I actually thought it wasn't that coherent. The original was confusing first time through, the whole memory thing and all these phrases of 'To find is to lose and to lose is to find' were trying to create a mysterious atmosphere in the story, it padded for a long time like we did'nt know what was happening. MAybe it was a thing aimed at kids, but it muddied the central theme for far too long in the beginning. I don't think I actually understood the game till a few years after first playing it. I did like the themes of confused identity, an unwrapping past, memories, the ideas of nothingness, the usual heart, friendship, darkness, etc. The only good characters were the Org, mysterious, unknown and with obscure goals, differing personalities and objectives, etc. Sora and the gang were the same characters, find the girl and wipe away the debt- I mean, find their friends, and go back home. Riku had the better characterisation but I feel like that was because we knew little about Riku's personal insight on things not being the main character of the previous game, not necessarily because he was setup well, I mean the whole darkness thing could've been extended a bit more for the audience to relate. The card system is highly exploitable, and it limits what you can do compared to others games. It felt really slow too, I've watched videos, and at times you just have enemies and Sora standing around loading up a sleight, it feels like the pace was sacrificed to experiment with the card system. It's also hard to dodge, load a sleight, read your card value, remember what sleight values are whilst fighting a boss. It's a lot of information to remember. If you pre load your deck to make sleights easily accessible, you have the problem of them not being useful against all enemies, or the fact you can only use them once in the battle before reloading the deck and all your pre loads have been eliminated so your stuck with basic card types again. You also spend about an eighth of your game time editing your deck. Kingdom Hearts gameplay is about the combat to me, and the platforming aspects, yet we're left with a sub par strategy game mixed with an action RPG, just way too many elements in my mind, clogs up the flow. The levelling system also doesn't really give you much control, raising HP and AP could mean that if you level one up, you're really boned when you get to a point in the game, when you need more HP to take on an attack, or need more Cars to use more sleights. Sleights should not be level restricted in my mind, they should progress with Sora developing his memories, getting his skills back, it's a waste of a level up. The game also promotes a lot of grinding, you only get new room cards through fighting, you only get special cards by fighting in special rooms, you have to fight to get Moogle points to buy new cards. it's not something you progress with over time, it's something you have to work on. And that's not good for a game, where you have to work so it can reward you by doing the same activities. It shouldn't feel like work. MY biggest gripe is using the exact same worlds again. Feels like a cop out and a re hash, not a proper sequel, which I could get when it was only on the GBA, but now it just doesn't feel right on consoles. Lacked originality in a lot of areas.
Ha, were you expecting 'Love conquers all' or something else? I don't think I've found quotes motivating, just profound and activate me to research them, or dig deeper. But I remembered the quote from reading this thread, so i thought i'd mention it. And it is kind of motivational. Kublai lost his father when young, his grandfather, Genghis Khan, had set the bar extremely high to surpass his accomplishments, his mother ruled the nation for years (one of the most powerful women in history) effectively, and he was raised a scholar, not a Mongol warrior, he was the black sheep in the family and was never meant to inherit the nation. But he carved his way through all opposition. It links back into the original posts quote of pessimism. No great people were pessimists, they had a drive to keep going beyond regular human ambition. To have his own brother tell him he was now, basically, the law, the ruler of 1/5 of the world's lands seems significant and inspiring. I can't imagine owning a house, let alone a fifth of the world. The context of who it was said to and what had just happened, along with the history of their family, means a lot. But I go on, I could talk about the wonderfulness of the greatest Mongolian family ever much more but no one cares, I'm guessing.
Winter is coming. My moustache never will.
Good day again guys, you know the drill, podcast time! Your host, PaW, and staff members libregkd and Llave, and our lovely guest Guardian Soul! This one we talk about killing deer, Marvel films and reboot/sequel movie madness, GS tells some loud guys off and PaW makes orgasmic noises! As you may have guessed, this is another Chilled Pod, filled with anything and everything, including being struggling artists and the dying WiiU. Oh and Next gen consoles are out this month, apparently. We also shake our heads at Square Enix a bit... but we love KH3 trailers! Note: Podcast guests, pleases read books, I want to talk about books! ; . ; Also, I apologise again for the bad volume between people throughout, i'm currently working on getting some new software and eliminating this problem. Please, enjoy! // DownloadiTunes Spoiler: Music Credits Intro: Eminence Front by The Who Outro: One More Time by Daft Punk Have suggestions or questions for the members of the KH-Vids Podcast? Let Peace and War know, or bring it to our attention in the posts below! Just be sure to follow the rules and guidelines here. YouTube | Twitter | Tumblr | Facebook
I'm recalling something Kublai Khan's brother said... Ah here it is. After a bitter civil war between the two Mongolian brothers over succession for the empire, Kublai Khan emerges victorious after only a few years as a leader and warrior. Kublai's brother is brought before him, as he looks down at his brother, cuffed and restrained asks him: "So tell me brother, now that the war is over were you in the right, or was I?" "I was in the right...." he uttered. "But now you are." It made me think how the power play between people dictates what is real and truth, how it can change when the strongest stands atop the pile. To the victors go the spoils, history is written by the victors and so on, yet it's just a fascinating concept considering this account actually occurred. Most great quotes come from history, or fictionalised accounts. They somehow speak to us better. I will give comic book writing though for having tremendous quotes, I regret not reading more of them.
My spiritual twin. Actually a girl in my sixth form use to call em Ricky Ross so yeah.
Meh, i'm more concerned for fantasies with hermaphrodites, that confuses me completely.
Wasn't it because it was based off a mole?
Uhhhh, i do have a few things but.... damn I've forgotten. I think how to pronounce Chinese names was one for a while. Also, the letters like é or æ still allude me.
Thanks you for the compliment, but I do actually want to pass this course i'm paying £9000 a year on, so i'll just do as the essay asks me to till my finances are not ransomed by the education system. Admittedly, i've done that kinda thing before, last year in fact (about Paradise effing Lost) and it was my worst grade on an essay. This year, my grades count more towards my overall degree, so i'm putting my head down and ignoring the urge to act rebellious. However, Tomahawking is allowed.
Give me a tomahawk first. We have to evaluate as well the persuasiveness of a piece talking about the book's themes and whether we agree. Problem is, I can't understand what the hell she's talking about! So far, this is British Literature by reading it, same pompous use of language and resonance. I don't know if Uncle Tom's Cabin or Moby Dick will shift the British bs into a new one (which is why i was taking this course) but maybe after the Civil War we'll start reading more American stuff. Shame that's not till next year.
Tsk, tsk. Nope. I guess i'm gonna have to reveal the obvious answer: Spoiler
Keep guessing, kids. And no.