Being a dick doesn't make you better at explaining something to someone. Just makes you a dick. I had a teacher who was condescending when explaining how to do something. What a dick she was, didn't learn much from someone who insulted me in such a way in front of others. When I was a Teaching Assistant, the students would get stuff quicker once you explained clearly and asked them what they thought about the question/problem. Thinking your students couldn't do something based on your own judgement was a self fulfilling prophecy, you had to believe in them so they believed in themselves.
It obviously went over my head, but what's that bad about it exactly? Actually I really want to play Wind Waker now! Gaaaaaah.
People complaining about the content, using capital letters as a means to make their point more valid and saying how change is making things worse then things were. This thread is Youtube comments in a nutshell. When does the argument about America being the best, or religious debate begin?
I'd say no. Not enough games to make the trade worth it, not to mention a number of features aren't available at launch. You've probably got some kinda games you could buy and play that you haven't already.
Fork, your idiocy has been trumped, i'm afraid. Was this when you were a blonde?
I don't pick dares because I'm a lazy *******, till I get bored of telling the truth.
Iuda from the Danilov Quintet book series Spoiler Best part of the books, honestly. Vampires in this series are great, best use of original vampire lore i've seen. Second book is better than the first, third is on par. Iuda ramps up his game each book, still need to read the fourth whenever I have the time. Reading Dracula next year for my course, I'll give you my verdict on him another time
When I say surpass, i guess what I mean is that for the same price as a console, a PC could do better. Currently, for the whole thing, to get the same parts, or equivalent, it costs more to buy a PC. In five years, it'll probably be the same price or cheaper. My PC is also technically more powerful than the PS4, but it still has issues and frame rate issues even when lowering settings. It's all about finding that medium of course.
With this whole 4k argument, don't you need a 4k supported monitor or...? I mean if we include on top of this ultra spec hardware, doesn't it need a screen to display on? I've only recently in the last few months seen 4k TVs, but they are definitely not affordable, they're like what HD was about a decade ago, so i'm guessing monitors aren't much better. Also, I've had more problems with my one PC than I've had with decades of consoles. PCs can be so aggravating sometimes. The great thing about console is you stick the disc in and play, instead of consulting on a forum about why your firewall is making your game freeze at boot or how your graphics card drivers aren't updated. Just so temperamental at times.
Next gen is on par with most medium-high end systems currently, PC will surpass that in five years, but at the end of the day most devs who make games for PC and consoles will be dictated by console development. They're both multi media boxes, they play games, films, music, surf the web, etc. Consoles can do things that PCs can't (without work) and vice versa. Can we not do this? D :
Somehow I expect people to one day react to a change with excitement. Maybe not this one, but just something on the internet.
I find this thread offensive!
It is including Eidos though, which implies all associated information is applicable to Eidos, like CD and so on. If we were to analyse like I guess we type of gamers do, can assume they are referring to Eidos in such a capacity that will affect their development of games. Also, it's a business plan for the future, not a report on the current situation. This type of business plan implies that it will be implemented in the future, not including current developments. Something like 5 years or more maybe, most businesses take a yearly review to see if the plan is still viable and adjust appropriately. So as amateur analysts, from the information given we can predict Eidos studios will eventually be developing Online only games within the next 5 years or so. It's not a wild leap, it is a logical conclusion.
I thought we were talking about the legitimacy of the information of this article that discusses Square's future business plans and how they were going in a mobile and online direction. Why does the legitimacy of two members on Neogaf concern the discussion about this? I think libre was pointing to the fact he was presented this by these two insiders, though I could be seeing it wrong.
I can't source it, I know the guy in real life, he's a lecturer at my Uni. I was interested in video game writing and narrative design (i'd researched his name and found he'd worked in the industry as a freelance), so I approached hima nd we talked about the industry and so on. It came up, even though I knew nothing of the game series before he talked about it, actually I know nothing about it apart from what he told me so... I've said already, if my word is not enough, I'm not going to try and convince anyone because I can't. I know on a business side it wasn't stupid, not to cancel it at least, but to sink money into it was. Like I said, they've been making either bad investments (Kain game) or overestimated the success of their investments (Tomb Raider, etc). I'm a fairly firm believer that if the game is a majority of the way done, with a problem that is fixable and you've spent 20 million on, you do not cancel it, you invest your money. The thing is, they've not learnt from bad investments, nor reducing the high costs they incur even after all these games they've made this gen, and I can bet they haven't either from them cancelling the Kain game. Just because I'm not sure you saw it in the original post by libre:
I've gone pretty 'numb' to this fact, the online and mobile business Square has begun to turn to. But Square has wasted so much money on projects that have not gone through. That Nosgoth is a prime example, originally being the multiplayer in a new game in the Kain series, the single player was cancelled. I've talked to someone involved with the production of that game (I don't want to name who just because I'm not sure if he was under contract whilst telling me, don't want to get him into trouble. Disbelieve me at your own accord, I know some people simply do not trust by promise alone and need evidence). He told me how Square had sunk 20 million (dollars or pounds, not sure) to develop the game, been in development for a few years and they were pretty much done, they had Cinematic trailers and everything prepped and were ready for a full reveal. The issue was that the game ran at really low FPS, because a game mechanic that allowed the player to switch between a 'light and dark' world setting instantly, which was taxing the system. Next gen was coming up and revealed to Square companies, which the developers thought was perfect to make a next gen launch title, with the new hardware allowing them to fix the FPS issue, however it had a projected cost of around another 20 million to do this. Square weren't willing to put money into it, with a projected revenue of only 25-30 million, so they cancelled the project and used the stable multiplayer to market as Nosgoth. Right there, they've lost a game, time of a studio and money. The projected sales for Tomb Raider as well was greatly exaggerated by Square, and made a 'loss' because of this. Mobile markets are rising, online has a popular trend now that loads of places now have stable internet, it's not a dumb move to go this direction on paper, but Square's track record of this recent gen has just been terrible and it's hard to see if they'll really grow form this. I hope, but Square isn't the same one that made Kingdom Hearts, it's a whole different ball game now, and I wonder if it'll be the same as before in name only. Time will tell.
Are you a God? Spoiler
Military stories have at least five clichés associated with them, specifically ones revolved around squads, you've typically got a funny guy, a professional, the leader, one with a racist underlying attitude who loves killing and then a 'green' recruit. The comedian and the professional are usually at odds, the racist one goes too far, the leader leashes them in, whilst the recruit gets scared or killed off. I'd rather watch a movie about war, they're better acted and more philosophical, deeper. Apocalypse Now over CoD any day. And FPS games can tell a good story, Metro series, Thief, Dishonoured, without the need of military clichés. It might be a trend, but it's not the only nor best way to consume it. I'm not saying I wouldn't enjoy it, like I said I enjoyed the first one, but it's not going to blow your socks off for its story telling.
Reminds me of an old poem of mine.
I heard it was alright, it wasn't going to compete against other video games stories but it's got elements of multiple choices, endings, etc, which shows a writing team that has got skills to develop a multi-layered narrative. Just from that I feel the writing is a grade above, but I've watched a few cutscenes, still a load of military bollocks.. I liked Black Ops story a bit, it was mad, but it wasn't well written.