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  1. Peace and War

    Post by: Peace and War, Dec 8, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Peace and War
    This is most certainly a first impressions sort of thing. People are impressed by the PS4, obviously. But the XboxO is definitely getting support, mostly in the US, no surprise there. This is good, no one will be doing much catch up, instead both will push each other to get more of the market.

    I'd say give Xbox a year and consumer confidence in it will turn around, bringing sales with it. Oh and a few games might turn things around.

    Anyway, nice to see consumer confidence in video gaming. With all these records getting hit
    Post by: Peace and War, Dec 7, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  3. Peace and War
    I guess I’m going to have to subvert my original intention and make my numbers go in ascending order. Helps the tension.
    Also, I’m a writer and a reader. I love games that have great writing, plot, characters, settings, lore, all that stuff. Some people focus on looks, some on how it handles and whilst I focus on the how it forms itself. Might not be the most conventionally fun game, still love Tetris and Resogun, but these generally blew my socks off.


    Grand Theft Auto 4

    It’s a grand social commentary on American culture, ideas, politics, crime, celebrities, history and ultimately the American dream. This is a game severely underrated by a lot of people, because it wasn’t a game centred around using rockets, tanks, jet planes, and just pure chaos. But so what? You want your favourite series to stay the same? Alright, but I prefer experimenting and variety, which IV did and did a lot with it. It wasn’t perfect, but it was fun, varied and a great rendition of New York I still could navigate now. Its characters are always top, and its missions and interwoven plots is great
    It’s funny actually, Saints Row, the GTA ‘clone’ over its series became more goofy, less serious and less emotional which got fans annoyed. GTA goes more serious and gungy and fans got annoyed. Seems funny all people wanted was just the right amount of chaos.
    Alright, rant over.

    The Last of Us

    This was a game I was so worried about, I thought it was too good to be true. Stealth, contextual cover, limited ammo survivor horror like Resi4, avoidance to combat altogether, a deep plot in a beautiful post-apocalyptic world. Coming from a studio whose last series was a blandish hero with cheesy dialogue and big set pieces. I had little hope it was as good as the trailer showed. But thank goodness I was proven very wrong. This game is literally a novel made into a game, it translates perfectly. Pacing is just like a novel, slow as hell, then progressively ramps up till you hit the end where it all culminates into a mode where ‘you can’t put it down’. Even his slow filler parts, which are still lovely. It builds the relationship between Joel and Ellie perfectly. And the ending, my god yes, what a modern classic it all is. Not enough praise. I guess my only complaint would be that the encounters with some enemies felt kinda forced, would’ve been nice to interact with other survivors in more ways than strangling most of them.

    Fallout 3

    First FPS game I’ve played that didn’t just revolve around guns. Well I mean, not just a shooting gallery. It’s also a fantastic world. One minute you can be recovering a slave, then meet a society of cannibals who invite you over for dinner, before heading to the Republic of Dave whilst fighting Super Mutants. Beautiful, unexpected and so freeing, you can do what you like, be who you like, go where you like. The weapons are varied, as well as the quests and walking around the Wasteland whilst listening to upbeat jazz music… ugh, so good. I still go back to it, just to feel the world, so well realised as it is.


    Would you kindly. What a well written game, deep, philosophical, relatable and yet fantastically absurd. Underwater city full of mutants you shoot at with magical slug powers set in the backdrop of 1950s? Come on, what pitch would that be. And yet here we have one of the best written, atmospheric, enjoyable, beautifully horrible game ever. Play it. Out of all these games, this is the most ‘pretentious’ being slightly highbrow, based around Ayn Rand’s writings and her philosophy and such, but it’s a good sort. One that makes you think. Not many things, especially games, do that. I stopped at times to think about what characters have said, and made me question myself, my beliefs. What a game.

    Mass Effect 3

    Mass Effect was always going to be at the top, it seems, I just didn’t know which one. Ultimately went with 3.
    The climax of the series was the best. It delivered exactly as I expected with a good number of twists and turns along the way, new and old characters alike. It took everything I had loved over the years and turned it into the goodbye I wanted. There aren’t many games or in general media, that says goodbye in a beautiful and satisfying way.
    The dialogue, the narrative, the set pieces, the conflict. Epic. The combat was refined and deep, it had a multiplayer I could get behind and enjoy, with great enemy variations. I wanted to put the first Mass Effect up because it was the one I played the most (12 new games or so I believe) but in the end, I put up the game I’ve only played twice through. Why? Well why not? Truly because after years of waiting and delivering, I don’t get that in games much.

    Honourable mentions:
    Grand Theft Auto V
    Mass Effect 1 and 2
    The Walking Dead The Game (Telltale)
    Heavy Rain
    Fallout: New Vegas
    Alpha Protocol
    Alan Wake
    Batman Arkham City
    Dark Souls
    Dragon’s Dogma
    Deus Ex Human Revolution
    Dead Rising
    Tenchu Z
    Dragon Age: Origins and II
    The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and Skyrim
    Post by: Peace and War, Dec 6, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  4. Peace and War
    I would've collapsed to my knees, cried out loud and started to make crying sounds after I said it. Body Language, tick.
    Post by: Peace and War, Dec 6, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Peace and War
    If only I had a comeback against a heckle. Oh my dreams have been ruined, how ever shall I ever stand upon my legs again and take the piss out of life in a comedic manner?
    Post by: Peace and War, Dec 6, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Peace and War
    I open with a reference to looking like a rejected indie band member. That's the closest I get to Free Bird playing.

    Thanks. And I guess? I mean I have my set, i remember most of it, few tweaks to a couple jokes, should be alright. I'm too focused on my other courses honestly to worry much till it comes up.

    One hell of a last meal.
    Post by: Peace and War, Dec 6, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Peace and War
    I'm not allowed a chair. I have to mime the bit where I play my mum sitting in the car berating me for a night out I had.
    Post by: Peace and War, Dec 6, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Peace and War
    I'm doing it. In January.

    Funny ain't it?
    Thread by: Peace and War, Dec 6, 2013, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Peace and War
    You're all going to be butting in on my PS4 time! (If it actually properly arrives)
    It's been a couple years since i've done one so maybe for a change of pace...
    Post by: Peace and War, Nov 27, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  10. Peace and War
    Anyone but that PaW guy, am i right guys?
    Post by: Peace and War, Nov 27, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  11. Peace and War
    Well there's only been about 31 main series related games since its inception. They've gotta get it right again some time, before they go bankrupt.
    Post by: Peace and War, Nov 25, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Peace and War
    Would've been no New Vegas without Fallout 3. 3 was a big move forward for the FPS genre of last gen. Sure Elder Scrolls did it first and it was based on that but it trumped it in many ways.

    I loved both, but 3 was just more stream lined. New Vegas built on that ambition and trumped it in a number of ways but it felt like too many ideas were implemented without being as succint.

    Oh and the NV DLC was much better. Ulysses had a great character set up.
    Post by: Peace and War, Nov 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Peace and War
    I wouldn't call it horrible, like all reviews you need a pinch of salt and an open mind.

    Besides, it's not Metacritic's fault Bethesda made a ****** business deal at Obsidian's expense.
    Post by: Peace and War, Nov 23, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Peace and War
    As the next generation has finally become the current gen, so it's time to tell us what games you think have made the last 8 years epic!

    I'll give ya five to choose from, and talk a little bit about why it's on your top 5 list.
    You can have honourable mentions after, if you want, but don't wite anything about them. I know it's not easy, i'll get mine up when I can do so, but narrow em down and tell us your top 5!

    Note: The consoles include Xbox 360, PS3, Wii and PC ONLY!
    I would include handhelds, but they pretty much have their own gen cycle. If you want it that much, go ahead an make a separate thread.

    My Top Five games of last gen are:






    Honourable mentions: (optional)
    Thread by: Peace and War, Nov 23, 2013, 27 replies, in forum: Gaming
  15. Peace and War
    I wouldn't have called Obsidian indie. This was their sixth game at that point.

    Anyway, shame, but I love Chris and his team for their ability to always bounce back and do better or new things. Great developer and not celebrated enough.

    Zenimax and Bethesda has always been a bit dodgy business wise, but I can't deny their games. Fallout 3 has got to be a highlight of this gen.
    Post by: Peace and War, Nov 23, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Peace and War
    I thought it was a teenage girls obsession!
    Post by: Peace and War, Nov 23, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Peace and War
    Huh, what's a Doctor Who?
    Post by: Peace and War, Nov 23, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Peace and War
    But you were always black?
    Post by: Peace and War, Nov 23, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Peace and War
    For a start, RoosterTeeth are an independent company who has never been paid by Microsoft, apart from promotion of a few Halo such things like Halo 3 DLC and voice work, but that's been through Bungie and 343, never directly by Microsoft. It's never been owned or contracted by MS, and as they state regularly on their podcast's their thoughts have always been their own. They started their machinma because they love Halo, not because they've been hired to do so. Their not game reviewers nor really involved in the gaming world, primarily they're YouTubers and they're a part of that community, gaming and not game designing is part of their world.

    Second, like DA says, they're a company, backtracking a live patch is basically unheard of. It would damage sales and create consumer outcry, they wouldn't want that repeated.

    Kinect isn't the evil Big Brother camera of Orwell's imagining, not really. What information can it give out? We don't know which is the real problem, so disclosure is needed before we can make that call. From what i've seen so far by reviewers, it's not done any advertising like that yet, then again I think the whole Xbox Live only being opened up recently might have an effect on that.

    PS4 is doing it's own thing, they were humbled by the PS3's problems and now have appeared to go in the right direction to reaffirm this. The 360 took over the push of last/current gen and now seem to make similar problems in terms of the Xbox One. The baton in many people's mind has been given back to Sony for this new gen from MS (the million on day one and 2.1 million apparently in back log just in America alone seems to show this), and maybe MS need this to get the stark reality of their jeopardy back into their mind.
    Post by: Peace and War, Nov 21, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  20. Peace and War
    "I Have A Dream!" Speech came into mine.
    Post by: Peace and War, Nov 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone